已尝试使用具有执行器依赖性的简单Spring Boot应用程序,但无法访问http://localhost:8080/actuator/beans
/auditevents – lists security audit-related events such as user login/logout. Also, we can filter by principal or type among others fields
/beans – returns all available beans in our BeanFactory. Unlike
/auditevents, it doesn’t support filtering
/conditions – formerly known as /autoconfig, builds a report of conditions around auto-configuration
/configprops – allows us to fetch all @ConfigurationProperties beans
/env – returns the current environment properties. Additionally, we can retrieve single properties
/flyway – provides details about our Flyway database migrations
/health – summarises the health status of our application
/heapdump – builds and returns a heap dump from the JVM used by our application
/info – returns general information. It might be custom data, build information or details about the latest commit
/liquibase – behaves like /flyway but for Liquibase
/logfile – returns ordinary application logs
/loggers – enables us to query and modify the logging level of our application
/metrics – details metrics of our application. This might include generic metrics as well as custom ones
/prometheus – returns metrics like the previous one, but formatted to work with a Prometheus server
/scheduledtasks – provides details about every scheduled task within our application
/sessions – lists HTTP sessions given we are using Spring Session
/shutdown – performs a graceful shutdown of the application
/threaddump – dumps the thread information of the underlying JVM
Default management.endpoints.web.exposure.include, info, health
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include = * //将允许所有端点
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include=health,info # Endpoint IDs that should be included or '*' for all.
management.endpoints.web.exposure.exclude= # Endpoint IDs that should be excluded or '*' for all.
management.endpoints.web.base-path=/actuator # Base path for Web endpoints. Relative to server.servlet.context-path or management.server.servlet.context-path if management.server.port is configured.
management.endpoints.web.path-mapping= # Mapping between endpoint IDs and the path that should expose them.
management.endpoint.health.roles= # Roles used to determine whether or not a user is authorized to be shown details. When empty, all authenticated users are authorized. //for health
management.endpoint.health.show-details=always,never # When to show full health details.
management.endpoint.(endpointName).enabled=true # Whether to enable the health endpoint.
e.g. management.endpoint.health.enabled=true