5380 30.07383\n
5390 30.87\n
5393 0.07383\n
5404 6\n
5428 30.07383\n
5437 1\n
5440 9\n
5443 30.07383\n
5459 6\n
5463 30.07383\n
5480 7\n
5521 30.07383\n
5538 0\n
5584 20\n
5673 30.07383\n
5720 30.07383\n
5841 3\n
5880 30.07383\n
5913 4\n
5958 30.07383\n
(2)我想得到的是,这里的时间间隔= 100
intervals_of_first_columns, average_of_2nd column_by_the_interval
100, 0\n
200, 0\n
300, 20.34074\n
400, 14.90325\n
chr1 <- 33132539 # set the limit for the interval
window <- 100 # set the size of interval
spe <- read.table("my_data_file", header=F) # read my data in
names(spe) <- c("pos", "rho") # name my data
interval.chr1 <- data.frame(pos=seq(0, chr1, window)) # setup intervals
meanrho.chr1 <- NULL # object for the mean I want to get
# real calculation, really slow on my own data.
for(i in 1:nrow(interval.chr1)){
count.sub<-subset(spe, chrom==1 & pos>=interval.chr1$pos[i] & pos<=interval.chr1$pos[i+1])
> dat$incrmt <- dat$V1 %/% 100
> dat
V1 V2 incrmt
1 5380 30.07383 53
2 5390 30.87000 53
3 5393 0.07383 53
4 5404 6.00000 54
5 5428 30.07383 54
6 5437 1.00000 54
7 5440 9.00000 54
8 5443 30.07383 54
9 5459 6.00000 54
10 5463 30.07383 54
11 5480 7.00000 54
12 5521 30.07383 55
13 5538 0.00000 55
14 5584 20.00000 55
15 5673 30.07383 56
16 5720 30.07383 57
17 5841 3.00000 58
18 5880 30.07383 58
19 5913 4.00000 59
20 5958 30.07383 59
> with(dat, tapply(V2, incrmt, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
53 54 55 56 57 58 59
20.33922 14.90269 16.69128 30.07383 30.07383 16.53692 17.03692
> with(dat, tapply(V2, V1 %/% 100, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
53 54 55 56 57 58 59
20.33922 14.90269 16.69128 30.07383 30.07383 16.53692 17.03692
by100MeanV2 <- with(dat, tapply(V2, V1 %/% 100, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
关于python - 通过第一列定义的间隔有效地对第二列进行平均,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7538552/