
package main

import (

type Ball struct{ hits int }

func main() {
    table := make(chan *Ball)
    go player("ping", table)
    go player("pong", table)
    table <- new(Ball) // game on; toss the ball
    time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
    <-table // game over; grab the ball

func player(name string, table chan *Ball) {
    for {
        ball := <-table
        fmt.Println(name, ball.hits)
        time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
        table <- ball

  • 如何在Erlang中创建一个计数器? Erlang似乎不允许
  • 如何在两个Erlang进程之间共享这样的计数器?
  • 最佳答案





    player(Name) ->
            {count,From,Val} ->
                io:format("~p received the ball for the ~p th exchange~n",[Name,Val]),
                ok = timer:sleep(500),
                From ! {count,self(),Val+1},
            {start,To} ->
                io:format("~p start the exchange~n",[Name]),
                To ! {count,self(),1},
             stop -> gameover
    start() ->
        Ping = spawn(?MODULE,player,[ping]),
        Pong = spawn(?MODULE,player,[pong]),
        Ping ! {start,Pong},
    stop(P1) -> P1 ! stop.

    在 shell 中:
    1> c(pingpong).
    2> {P1,P2} = pingpong:start().
    ping start the exchange
    pong received the ball for the 1 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 2 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 3 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 4 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 5 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 6 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 7 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 8 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 9 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 10 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 11 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 12 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 13 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 14 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 15 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 16 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 17 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 18 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 19 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 20 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 21 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 22 th exchange
    pong received the ball for the 23 th exchange
    ping received the ball for the 24 th exchange
    3> pingpong:stop(P1).
    4> pingpong:stop(P2).

    关于go - 如何将此示例代码从Go转换为Erlang,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26316005/

    10-16 08:47