我正在使用slick pg 0.8.2和slick 2.1.0,并且在JSON类型的列上遇到问题。

trait PgsqlDriver extends PostgresDriver
                          with PgJsonSupport
                          with array.PgArrayJdbcTypes
                          with PgDateSupportJoda
                          with PgSearchSupport {
  override val pgjson = "jsonb"

  override lazy val Implicit = new ImplicitsPlus { }
  override val simple = new SimpleQLPlus {}

  trait ImplicitsPlus extends Implicits
                              with DateTimeImplicits
                              with JsonImplicits
                              with SearchImplicits

  trait SimpleQLPlus extends SimpleQL
                             with ImplicitsPlus
                             with SearchAssistants

object PgsqlDriver extends PostgresDriver

private[ pgsql ] abstract class PgsqlTable[ D <: DomainObject[ D ] ](tag: Tag, tableName: String)
    extends Table[ JsonBean ](tag, tableName) {
  import PgsqlDriver.simple._

  def id = column[ String ]("ID", O.PrimaryKey)
  def json = column[ JsonString ]("JSON", O.NotNull)

  override def * = (id, json) <> (JsonBean.tupled, JsonBean.unapply)

据我所见,这都是根据测试,例子和光滑的pg网站上的文件。但是,我在def json =行中得到以下编译错误:
Error:(23, 34) could not find implicit value for parameter tm:     scala.slick.ast.TypedType[com.github.tminglei.slickpg.JsonString]
  def json = column[ JsonString ]("JSON", O.NotNull)


知道了!我的问题在最后一行,object PgsqlDriver extends PostgresDriver而不是extends PgsqlDriver

关于postgresql - 使用slick-pg缺少隐式TypedType [JsonString],我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29735723/

10-13 00:47