我已经在具有 4 个分区的 Kafka 主题上部署了一个具有 4 个工作人员的结构化流。
我假设将为 4 个分区部署 4 个工作人员,并在工作人员分区之间进行一对一映射。
但是,事实并非如此。所有分区都由同一个 Executor 提供服务。我通过检查线程 ID 并登录执行程序来确认这一点。
是否有任何文档显示 Kafka 分区和 Spark Structured Streams 之间的相关性。此外,是否有任何我们可以调整的旋钮。
这与 Spark Streaming 一致。
对于Structured Streaming,默认模型是“微批处理模型”,“连续处理模型”仍处于“实验”状态。
* - The DF returned is based on [[KafkaSourceRDD]] which is constructed such that the
* data from Kafka topic + partition is consistently read by the same executors across
* batches, and cached KafkaConsumers in the executors can be reused efficiently. See the
* docs on [[KafkaSourceRDD]] for more details.
* An RDD that reads data from Kafka based on offset ranges across multiple partitions.
* Additionally, it allows preferred locations to be set for each topic + partition, so that
* the [[KafkaSource]] can ensure the same executor always reads the same topic + partition
* and cached KafkaConsumers (see [[KafkaDataConsumer]] can be used read data efficiently.
* ...
private[kafka010] class KafkaSourceRDD(
override def createUnsafeRowReaderFactories(): ju.List[DataReaderFactory[UnsafeRow]] = {
startOffsets.toSeq.map {
case (topicPartition, start) =>
topicPartition, start, kafkaParams, pollTimeoutMs, failOnDataLoss)
* A data reader factory for continuous Kafka processing. This will be serialized and transformed
* into a full reader on executors.
* @param topicPartition The (topic, partition) pair this task is responsible for.
* ...
case class KafkaContinuousDataReaderFactory(
topicPartition: TopicPartition,
startOffset: Long,
kafkaParams: ju.Map[String, Object],
pollTimeoutMs: Long,
failOnDataLoss: Boolean) extends DataReaderFactory[UnsafeRow] {
override def createDataReader(): KafkaContinuousDataReader = {
new KafkaContinuousDataReader(
topicPartition, startOffset, kafkaParams, pollTimeoutMs, failOnDataLoss)
(topic, partition)
将包含在一个 factory 中,然后将包含在一个 executor 中。关于apache-spark - 解释 Spark Structured Streaming executor 和 Kafka partitions 之间的映射,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46639824/