我希望f1是O(i²),而f2是O(i loglogi)。这里发生了什么?

import Data.Set

i = 20000

-- should be slow
f1 = [ x | x <- [1..i] , x `notElem` [2..i-1] ]
-- should be fast
f2 = [ x | x <- [1..i] , x `notMember` fromAscList [2..i-1] ]


*Main> f1
(7.12 secs, 16,013,697,360 bytes)
*Main> f2
(44.27 secs, 86,391,426,456 bytes)



module F (f1,f2) where

import Data.Set

-- should be slow
f1 :: Int -> [Int]
f1 i = [ x | x <- [1..i] , x `notElem` [2..i-1] ]
-- should be fast
f2 :: Int -> [Int]
f2 i = [ x | x <- [1..i] , x `notMember` fromAscList [2..i-1] ]


$ ghc -O2 F.hs       # compile with optimizations
[1 of 1[ Compiling F            ( F.hs, F.o )

$ ghci F.hs          # now load it up in GHCi
GHCi, version 8.0.1: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/  :? for help
Ok, modules loaded: F (F.o)
Prelude F> :set +s
Prelude F> f1 20000
(2.16 secs, 2,030,440 bytes)
Prelude F> f2 20000
(0.05 secs, 4,591,312 bytes)

我的猜测是,在您的情况下,您使GHCi多次重新计算fromAscList [2..i-1]或类似的结果。

10-04 17:04