
def Foo[T](inList: List[String]): ArrayBuffer[T] = {
  val out: ArrayBuffer[T] = new ArrayBuffer[T]()
  inList.map ( x => {
    val str = x.substring(1)
    out += str.asInstanceOf[T]

但是,如果我使用Foo[Long](new List("123","2342"))调用此函数,则会得到一个包含ArrayBuffer而不是StringLong。对不起我的菜鸟问题,我想了解scala和泛型。


  • Scala在JVM之上运行,它对泛型一无所知,并且泛型的具体类型在运行时不可用。

  • 这样,相当于您的代码的运行时看起来就像
      def Foo(inList: List[String]): (ArrayBuffer[Object]) = {
        val out: ArrayBuffer[Object] = new ArrayBuffer[Object]()
        inList.map ( x => {
          val str=x.substring(1)
          out += str.asInstanceOf[Object]
  • asInstanceOf不会将字符串转换为long,而是会引发有关不兼容类型的异常。相反,您应该为函数提供从字符串到另一种类型的转换。

  • 总结起来,您的代码应如下所示:
      import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
      // here we define how convert string to longs
      implicit def stringToLong(s: String) = s.toLong
      // now this function requires to have converter from string to T in context
      def Foo[T](inList: List[String])(implicit f: (String) => T): (ArrayBuffer[T]) = {
        val out: ArrayBuffer[T] = new ArrayBuffer[T]()
        inList.map { x =>
          val str = x.substring(1)
          out += f(str) // here we apply converter
      // when function is called, appropriate implicit converter from context will be used
      Foo[Long](List("51", "42"))

    10-08 13:21