
$Img1 = "path to image folder/banner.png";
$Alt1 = "alt text for banner";
$Url1 = "http://www.externaldomain.com";

$Img2 ="path to image folder/banner.png";
$Alt2 = "alt text for banner";
$Url2 = "http://www.externaldomain.com";

$Img3 ="path to image folder/banner.png";
$Alt3 = "alt text for banner";
$Url3 = "http://www.externaldomain.com";

$Img4 ="path to image folder/banner.png";
$Alt4 = "alt text for banner";
$Url4 = "http://www.externaldomain.com";

$Img5 ="path to image folder/banner.png";
$Alt5 = "alt text for banner";
$Url5 = "http://www.externaldomain.com";

$num = rand (1,5);

$Image = ${'Img'.$num};
$Alt = ${'Alt' .$num};
$URL = ${'Url'.$num};

Print "<a href=\"".$URL."\"><img src=\"".$Image."\" alt=\"".$Alt."\" /</a>"; ?>
<?php include ("../adserver/thescriptabove.php"); ?>






|Table Name: Banners      |
|Field:    | Type:        |
|ID        | int(5)       | The Primary Key and Autoincrement attributes should be set on the ID field as well
|Image     | varchar(100) |
|Url       | varchar(100) |
|Caption   | varchar(100) |
|Views     | int(10)      |
|Clicks    | int(10)      |


// First of all, we need to connect to the MySql server
// For more info, check out: http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-select-db.php
$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "username", "password");
    die('Could not connect to the MySql Server ' . mysql_error());

// Now that we've connected to the MySql sever, we need to select the database
// More info can be found on the same link as above
$db_selected = mysql_select_db('my_database', $conn);
if(!$db_selected) {
    die ('Could not select the MySql Database: ' . mysql_error());

// Now we need to check the URL parameters to see, if we came to this page normally or because a banner was clicked
// If normally, we serve a random banner and increment the Views field in the database
// Otherwise, we increment the Clicks field and direct the user to the banner's URL

    // if the Clicked parameter is not set, we came to the page normally

    // Let's select a random banner from the database
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM banners ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
    $row = mysql_fetch_array(result);

    // Now let's increment the Views field for the banner we selected
    mysql_query("UPDATE banners SET Views = Views + 1 WHERE ID = '" . $row['ID'] . "'") or die(mysql_error());

    // let's set the URL to this same page but with the Clicked parameter set
    $url = "banner_server.php?Clicked=" . $row['ID'];

    // Last but not least, we have to output the banner HTML
    // Notice, I set the caption on both the 'alt' and 'title' attributes of the 'img' tag,
    // that's because IE shows the value of the 'alt' tag when an image is hovered,
    // whereas Firefox shows the value of the 'title' tag, just thought you might want that!
    echo "<a href=\"" . $url . "\"><img src=\"" . $row['Image'] . "\" alt=\"" . $row['Caption'] . "\" title=\"" . $row['Caption'] . "\" /></a>";

    // Otherwise, increment the Clicks field and redirect

    // First, let's get the ID of the banner that was clicked from the Clicked parameter
    $id = (int)$_GET['Clicked'];

    // now let's increment the Clicks field for the banner
    mysql_query("UPDATE banners SET Clicks = Clicks + 1 WHERE ID = '" . $id . "'") or die(mysql_error());

    // now let's select the banner from the database so we can redirect to the URL that's associated with it
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM banners WHERE ID = '" . $id . "'") or die(mysql_error());
    $row = mysql_fetch_array(result);

    // redirect to the URL
    header("location: " . $row['Url']);

// Close the MySql connection



关于php - 如何计算横幅展示次数和点击次数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9088606/

10-13 03:19