
    function cn_add_script($postsperpage) {

        // find all of the published posts
        $publishedposts = get_posts('post_type=post&post_status=publish&posts_per_page=-1');
        // count the published posts
        $count = count($publishedposts);
        // only run this function on 'page-bulletins.php'
        if( is_page_template('page-bulletins.php') ) {
            // not entirely sure what this does, I think this tells Wordpress to use URLs with '/page/#' and also recognizes what page the user is currently viewing.
            $paged = ( get_query_var('paged') > 1 ) ? get_query_var('paged') : 1;
            // divide the total number of posts by the posts per page, then round this number up ('ceil' does this)
            $maxpages = ceil($count/$postsperpage);
            // store the next page number in a variable
            $nextpagecalc = $paged + 1;
            // if the next page number is greater than the max number of pages
            if( $nextpagecalc > $maxpages ) {
                // code to be finalized; store an empty path if there are no more pages to show
                $nextpage = '';
            else {
                // if there is a next page, put the path for it in a variable
                $nextpage = get_bloginfo('url').'/bulletins/page/'.$nextpagecalc.'/';


        $array = ['startPage', 'maxPages', 'nextLink'];
        $array = array (
            'startPage' =>  $paged,
            'maxPages'  =>  $maxpages,
            'nextLink'  =>  $nextpage

        wp_register_script (
            // handle name for script (to be used later to localize the script)
            // location of the script
        // call the script defined above
        wp_enqueue_script ('cnLoadPosts');
        // in the script defined above, define a handle that Javascript can use
        wp_localize_script ('cnLoadPosts', 'cnPageAdvance', $array);


    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'cn_add_script' );


Array ( [startPage] => 1 [maxPages] => 4 [nextLink] => http://localhost:8888/slfiber/bulletins/page/2/ )


/* <![CDATA[ */
var cnPageAdvance = {"startPage":"1","maxPages":"0","nextLink":""};
/* ]]> */


    (function($) {
        $(window).load(function() {
            // The number of the next page to load (/page/x/).
            var pageNum = parseInt(cnPageAdvance.startPage) + 1;
            // The maximum number of pages the current query can return.
            var max = parseInt(cnPageAdvance.maxPages);
            // The link of the next page of posts.
            var nextLink = cnPageAdvance.nextLink;
            $('#loadmore').click(function() {

如果将$paged$maxpages$nextpage分别替换为“ 1”,“ 5”和“ http://wwwgoogle.com”,则值可以很好地传递。

如何获取保存变量值的$ array传递给我的js文件?


$maxpages = ceil($count/$postsperpage);

使得$maxpages undefined等于0(请参见this)。

并导致if( $nextpagecalc > $maxpages )变为true,因此您的$nextpage为空。

07-24 09:31