type: "POST",
url: "processing/ajax/commentprocess.php?user=",
data: args,
cache: false,
success: function (resp) {
if (resp == 'captcha') {
//they are mass posting so we need to give them the captcha form
// maybe we can open it in some kind of dialog like facebox
// have to figure out how I can pass the comment and user data to the captcha script and then post it
} else if (resp == 'error') {
// there was some sort of error so we will just show an error message in a DIV
} else {
// success append the comment to the page
我想我会选择使用modal dialog that comes with the jQuery UI library。然后,我将AJAX调用包装在一个函数中,以便可以递归调用它。我将创建一个DIV(#captchaDialog),该DIV处理显示验证码图像和一个输入(#captchaInput)来输入答案。当用户单击模式对话框上的“确定”按钮时,我将使用新的验证码响应修改原始args并调用该函数。由于此解决方案仅修改原始args并将其传递到相同的URL,因此我相信此解决方案将为您工作。
var postComment = function(args) {
type: "POST",
url: "processing/ajax/commentprocess.php?user=",
data: args,
cache: false,
success: function (resp) {
if (resp == 'captcha') {
bgiframe: true,
height: 140,
modal: true,
buttons: {
ok: function() {
args.captchaResponse = $(this).find("#captchaInput").val();
} else if (resp == 'error') {
// there was some sort of error so we will just show an error message in a DIV
} else {
// success append the comment to the page