
 Date    Employee Job1   Job2     Job3
1/1/2012    a    1      1          1
1/1/2012    b    2      2          2
1/1/2012    c    2      1          4
1/1/2012    d    4      2          1
1/2/2012    a    3      2          5
1/2/2012    b    2      2          2
1/2/2012    c    3      3          3
1/2/2012    d    1      1          1
1/3/2012    a    5      5          5
1/3/2012    b    2      2          6
1/3/2012    c    1      1          1
1/3/2012    d    2      3          4
2/1/2012    a    2      2.5        2
2/1/2012    b    5      5          2
2/1/2012    c    2      2          2
2/2/2012    a    3      3          3
2/2/2012    b    2      3          3
3/1/2012    a    4      4          11
3/5/2012    a    14     42.5       15
3/6/2012    a    21     12.143     22
3/8/2012    a    8.9    45         27
3/8/2012    b    4.4    25         31

我想逐月遍历值,这样我就可以将值存储在数据表中,并以此进行其他计算。在此示例中,它将具有三个数据表,第一个具有一月的值,另一个具有二月的值,最后一个具有行军的行。 Linq如何做到这一点。请建议使用Linq语法,该语法将按月对结果进行分组。

var monthEmpGroups = dt.AsEnumerable()
                .Select(r => new
                    Year = DateTime.Parse(r.Field<string>("DATE")).Year,
                    Month = DateTime.Parse(r.Field<string>("DATE")).Month.ToString()
                .GroupBy(x => x.Month);

var dtf = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat;
foreach (var empGroup in monthEmpGroups)
    int month = int.Parse(empGroup.Key);
    string colName = dtf.GetMonthName(month);
    // Here i want to get all the rows where month is colName (i.e.january, feb, march)




var monthEmpGroups = (from r in dt.AsEnumerable()
                      let month = DateTime.Parse(r.Field<string>("DATE")).Month
                      group r by month into g
                      select new { Month = g.Key, Items = g.ToList() });


var dtf = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat;

foreach (var empGroup in monthEmpGroups)
    int month = empGroup.Month;
    string colName = dtf.GetMonthName(month);
    List<DataRow> items = empGroup.Items;

10-05 21:26