
import random

score = 0
continue = True
while continue:
    a = random.randint(1, 12)
    b = random.randint(1, 12)
    product = a * b
    guess = int(input('What is '+str(a)+' times '+str(b)+'? (press "q" to quit):'))
    if guess == 'q':
        continue = False
    if guess != product:
        print('Sorry, this is wrong. It should be '+str(product)+'.')
        continue = False
    if guess == product:
        print('Good job. You got it right.')

print('Thanks for playing! You scored '+str(score)+'.')

当我尝试在SyntaxError: invalid syntax行运行它时,它总是说continue = True

import random

score = 0
while True:
    a = random.randint(1, 12)
    b = random.randint(1, 12)
    product = a * b
    guess = int(input('What is '+str(a)+' times '+str(b)+'? (press "q" to quit):'))
    if guess == 'q':
    if guess != product:
        print('Sorry, this is wrong. It should be '+str(product)+'.')
    if guess == product:
        print('Good job. You got it right.')

print('Thanks for playing! You scored '+str(score)+'.')

我不确定continue = True行有什么问题。据我所知,这是将True分配给变量continue。请帮忙!




您没有在函数中增加分数,因此如果正确添加score += 1会有所帮助。

import random

score = 0
continue_ = True
while continue_:
    a = random.randint(1, 12)
    b = random.randint(1, 12)
    product = a * b
    guess = input('What is '+str(a)+' times '+str(b)+'? (press "q" to quit):')
    if guess == 'q':
    if int(guess) != product:
        print('Sorry, this is wrong. It should be '+str(product)+'.')
        continue_ = False
    if int(guess) == product:
        print('Good job. You got it right.')
        score += 1

print('Thanks for playing! You scored '+str(score)+'.')


What is 6 times 7? (press "q" to quit):42
Good job. You got it right.
What is 10 times 7? (press "q" to quit):70
Good job. You got it right.
What is 8 times 7? (press "q" to quit):56
Good job. You got it right.
What is 9 times 10? (press "q" to quit):90
Good job. You got it right.
What is 2 times 12? (press "q" to quit):24
Good job. You got it right.
What is 12 times 3? (press "q" to quit):36
Good job. You got it right.
What is 11 times 6? (press "q" to quit):66
Good job. You got it right.
What is 11 times 7? (press "q" to quit):q
Thanks for playing! You scored 8.

关于python - python乘法测验无效语法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61825892/

10-13 05:32