该文档似乎并未解释HSV-> BGR转换的预期输入范围。这是一些示例代码,在此示例中,我尝试将原始BGR值转换为HSV后取回。有谁知道预期的缩放比例?

#include <iostream>

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

cv::Vec3b HSVtoBGR(const cv::Vec3f& hsv)
    cv::Vec3f hsvAdjusted = hsv; // If we use this directly, the output is (0,0,1) which is very wrong
    //hsvAdjusted[0] *= 360.; // If we do this to bring all of the values into the range (0,1), the output is (0,1,0), which is also very wrong

    // If we do this to bring all of the values into the range (0,255), the output is (0,0,200), which is still very wrong
    hsvAdjusted[1] *= 255./360.;
    hsvAdjusted[1] *= 255.;
    hsvAdjusted[2] *= 255.;

    cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3f> hsvMat(hsvAdjusted);

    cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3f> bgrMat;

    cv::cvtColor(hsvMat, bgrMat, CV_HSV2BGR);

    cv::Vec3b bgr = static_cast<cv::Vec3b>(bgrMat(0,0));
    return bgr;

/** Input 0 <= B <= 255, 0 <= G <= 255, 0 <= R <= 255
  * Output 0 <= H <= 360, 0 <= S <= 1, 0 <= V <= 1  */
cv::Vec3f BGRtoHSV(const cv::Vec3b& bgr)
    cv::Mat3f bgrMat(static_cast<cv::Vec3f>(bgr));

    bgrMat *= 1./255.;

    cv::Mat3f hsvMat;
    cv::cvtColor(bgrMat, hsvMat, CV_BGR2HSV);

    cv::Vec3f hsv = hsvMat(0,0);

    return hsv;

int main()
    // Create a BGR color
    cv::Vec3b bgr(5, 100, 200);
    std::cout << "bgr: " << bgr << std::endl;

    // Convert BGR to HSV
    cv::Vec3f hsv = BGRtoHSV(bgr);
    std::cout << "hsv: " << hsv << std::endl; // outputs // (29.23, .976, .7843), which seems correct

    // Convert back from HSV to BGR
    cv::Vec3b bgr2 = HSVtoBGR(hsv);
    std::cout << "bgr2: " << bgr2 << std::endl;

    return 0;





cv::Vec3b HSVtoBGR(const cv::Vec3f& hsv)
    cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3f> hsvMat(hsv);
    cv::Mat_<cv::Vec3f> bgrMat;

    cv::cvtColor(hsvMat, bgrMat, CV_HSV2BGR);

    bgrMat *= 255; // Upscale after conversion

    // Conversion to Vec3b is handled by OpenCV, no need to static_cast
    return bgrMat(0);

关于c++ - BGR转HSV,然后再次返回,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35737942/

10-13 07:32