我有一个已经使用Core Data的iOS 7应用。我已使用新的iOS 7方法将iCloud集成到我的应用程序中,通过使用以下代码作为示例来同步存储在核心数据中的项目:
中的示例应用程序代码,如果您有特定问题,请发布它们。 http://ossh.com.au/design-and-technology/software-development/sample-library-style-ios-core-data-app-with-icloud-integration/
- (bool)moveStoreFileToICloud:(NSURL*)fileURL delete:(bool)shouldDelete backup:(bool)shouldBackup {
FLOG(@" called");
// Always make a backup of the local store before migrating to iCloud
if (shouldBackup)
[self backupLocalStore];
NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *migrationPSC = [[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator alloc] initWithManagedObjectModel:self.managedObjectModel];
// Open the existing local store using the original options
id sourceStore = [migrationPSC addPersistentStoreWithType:NSSQLiteStoreType configuration:nil URL:fileURL options:[self localStoreOptions] error:nil];
if (!sourceStore) {
FLOG(@" failed to add old store");
return FALSE;
} else {
FLOG(@" Successfully added store to migrate");
bool moveSuccess = NO;
NSError *error;
FLOG(@" About to migrate the store...");
// Now migrate the store using the iCloud options
id migrationSuccess = [migrationPSC migratePersistentStore:sourceStore toURL:[self icloudStoreURL] options:[self icloudStoreOptions] withType:NSSQLiteStoreType error:&error];
if (migrationSuccess) {
moveSuccess = YES;
FLOG(@"store successfully migrated");
[self deregisterForStoreChanges];
_persistentStoreCoordinator = nil;
_managedObjectContext = nil;
self.storeURL = [self icloudStoreURL];
// Now delete the local file
if (shouldDelete) {
FLOG(@" deleting local store");
[self deleteLocalStore];
} else {
FLOG(@" not deleting local store");
return TRUE;
else {
FLOG(@"Failed to migrate store: %@, %@", error, error.userInfo);
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
关于ios - 您如何将现有的核心数据iOS 7应用程序的数据迁移到iCloud?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22104403/