select *
from jiveuser u
LEFT JOIN jiveusercontainer c ON u.userid = c.userid
LEFT JOIN jivecontent ct ON ct.containerid = c.usercontainerid
left join jiveattachment ja on ja.objectid = ct.contentid
WHERE ct.contenttype = 501 and
ja.objecttype = 501 and
u.userid in (4794) and
filename = 'profile_image_500.png'
order by ja.modificationdate desc
select ja.attachmentid, c.displayname, ja.creationdate, ja.filename , (select propvalue from jivecontentprop jcpi where jcpi.contentid = ct.contentid and propname = 'index' )
from jiveuser u
LEFT JOIN jiveusercontainer c ON u.userid = c.userid
LEFT JOIN jivecontent ct ON ct.containerid = c.usercontainerid
left join jiveattachment ja on ja.objectid = ct.contentid
WHERE ct.contenttype = 501 and
ja.objecttype = 501 and
u.userid in (4794) and
filename = 'profile_image_500.png'
order by propvalue
limit 1
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