
Unhandled Exception: RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.OperationInterruptioedException



//refer.cs from which refer.dll is created

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;

namespace refer
    //start alternate serialization
    public static class AltSerialization
        public static byte[] AltSerialize(Measurement m)
         using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                var bf = new BinaryFormatter();
                bf.AssemblyFormat = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple;
                bf.Serialize(ms, m);
                return ms.GetBuffer();

        public static Measurement AltDeSerialize(byte[] seriM)
        using (var stream = new MemoryStream( seriM ))
                BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
                bf.AssemblyFormat = System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle.Simple;
                return (Measurement)bf.Deserialize(stream);
    //end alternte serialization

    [Serializable] //This attribute sets class to be serialized
    public class Measurement : ISerializable
        [NonSerialized] public int id;
        public int time; //timestamp
        public double value;

        public Measurement()
            id = 1;
            time = 12;
            value = 0.01;

        public Measurement(int _id, int _time, double _value)
            id = _id;
            time = _time;
            value = _value;

        //Deserialization constructor
        public Measurement(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt)
            //Assign the values from info to the approporiate properties
            Console.WriteLine("DeSerialization construtor called.");
            time = (int)info.GetValue("MeasurementTime", typeof(int));
            value = (double)info.GetValue("MeasurementValue", typeof(double));

       //Serialization function
        public void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt)
            // Custom name-value pair
            // Values must be read with the same name they're written
            info.AddValue("MeasurementTime", time);
            info.AddValue("MeasurementValue", value);


using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Events;
using UtilityMeasurement;

public interface IMessageBus
string MsgSys       // Property 1

void write (Measurement m1);
Measurement read();
void publish(string queue);
void subscribe(string queue);

public class Rabbit : IMessageBus
// Implementation of methods for Rabbit class go here
private List<string> publishQ = new List<string>();
private List<string> subscribeQ = new List<string>();

public void write ( Measurement m1 )
    byte[] body = Measurement.AltSerialize( m1 );

    IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection();
    IModel channel = connection.CreateModel();

    foreach (string queue in publishQ)
        channel.BasicPublish("", queue, null, body);
        Console.WriteLine("\n  [x] Sent to queue {0}.", queue);

public void publish(string queueName)
    channel.QueueDeclare(queueName, true, false, false, null); //durable=true
    publishQ.Add(queueName); //and, add it the list of queue names to publish to

public Measurement read()
    QueueingBasicConsumer consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
    foreach (string queue in subscribeQ)
        channel.BasicConsume(queue, true, consumer);
    System.Console.WriteLine(" [*] Waiting for messages." +
                            "To exit press CTRL+C");
    BasicDeliverEventArgs ea =
    return Measurement.AltDeSerialize(ea.Body);

public void subscribe(string queueName)
    channel.QueueDeclare(queueName, true, false, false, null);

public static string MsgSysName;
public string MsgSys
        return MsgSysName;
        MsgSysName = value;

public Rabbit(string _msgSys) //Constructor
    ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
    factory.HostName = "localhost";

    System.Console.WriteLine("\nMsgSys: RabbitMQ");
    MsgSys = _msgSys;

public class Zmq : IMessageBus
public void write ( Measurement m1 )
public Measurement read()
    return null;
public void publish(string queue)
public void subscribe(string queue)

public static string MsgSysName;
public string MsgSys
        return MsgSysName;
        MsgSysName = value;

// Implementation of methods for Zmq class go here
public Zmq(string _msgSys) //Constructor
    MsgSys = _msgSys;

public class MessageBusFactory
public static IMessageBus GetMessageBus(string MsgSysName)
    switch ( MsgSysName )
        case "Zmq":
            return new Zmq(MsgSysName);
        case "Rabbit":
            return new Rabbit(MsgSysName);
            throw new ArgumentException("Messaging type " +
                MsgSysName + " not supported." );

public class MainClass
    public static void Main()
    //Asks for the message system
    System.Console.WriteLine("\nEnter name of messageing system: ");
    System.Console.WriteLine("Usage: [Rabbit] [Zmq]");
    string MsgSysName = (System.Console.ReadLine()).ToString();

    //Create a new Measurement message
    Measurement m1 = new Measurement(2, 2345, 23.456);

    //Declare an IMessageBus instance:
    //Here, an object of the corresponding Message System
        // (ex. Rabbit, Zmq, etc) is instantiated
    IMessageBus obj1 = MessageBusFactory.GetMessageBus(MsgSysName);

    System.Console.WriteLine("\nA {0} object is now created.", MsgSysName);

    System.Console.WriteLine("With Test message:\n    ID: {0}", m1.id);
    System.Console.WriteLine("    Time: {0}", m1.time);
    System.Console.WriteLine("    Value: {0}", m1.value);

    // Ask queue name and store it
    System.Console.WriteLine("Enter a queue name to publish the message to: ");
    string QueueName = (System.Console.ReadLine()).ToString();
    obj1.publish( QueueName );

    System.Console.WriteLine("Enter another queue name: ");
    QueueName = (System.Console.ReadLine()).ToString();
    obj1.publish( QueueName );

    // Write message to the queue
    obj1.write( m1 );



using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Events;
using UtilityMeasurement;

public interface IMessageBus
string MsgSys       // Property 1

void write (Measurement m1);
Measurement read();
void publish(string queue);
void subscribe(string queue);

public class Rabbit : IMessageBus
// Implementation of methods for Rabbit class go here
private List<string> publishQ = new List<string>();
private List<string> subscribeQ = new List<string>();

public void write ( Measurement m1 )
    byte[] body = Measurement.AltSerialize( m1 );

    IConnection connection = factory.CreateConnection();
    IModel channel = connection.CreateModel();

    foreach (string queue in publishQ)
        channel.BasicPublish("", queue, null, body);
        Console.WriteLine("\n  [x] Sent to queue {0}.", queue);

public void publish(string queueName)
    channel.QueueDeclare(queueName, true, false, false, null); //durable=true
    publishQ.Add(queueName); //and, add it the list of queue names to publish to

public Measurement read()
    QueueingBasicConsumer consumer = new QueueingBasicConsumer(channel);
    foreach (string queue in subscribeQ)
        channel.BasicConsume(queue, true, consumer);
    System.Console.WriteLine(" [*] Waiting for messages." +
                            "To exit press CTRL+C");
    BasicDeliverEventArgs ea =
    return Measurement.AltDeSerialize(ea.Body);

public void subscribe(string queueName)
    channel.QueueDeclare(queueName, true, false, false, null);

public static string MsgSysName;
public string MsgSys
        return MsgSysName;
        MsgSysName = value;

public Rabbit(string _msgSys) //Constructor
    ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
    factory.HostName = "localhost";

    System.Console.WriteLine("\nMsgSys: RabbitMQ");
    MsgSys = _msgSys;

public class Zmq : IMessageBus
public void write ( Measurement m1 )
public Measurement read()
    return null;
public void publish(string queue)
public void subscribe(string queue)

public static string MsgSysName;
public string MsgSys
        return MsgSysName;
        MsgSysName = value;

// Implementation of methods for Zmq class go here
public Zmq(string _msgSys) //Constructor
    MsgSys = _msgSys;

public class MessageBusFactory
public static IMessageBus GetMessageBus(string MsgSysName)
    switch ( MsgSysName )
        case "Zmq":
            return new Zmq(MsgSysName);
        case "Rabbit":
            return new Rabbit(MsgSysName);
            throw new ArgumentException("Messaging type " +
                MsgSysName + " not supported." );

public class MainClass
    public static void Main()
    //Asks for the message system
    System.Console.WriteLine("\nEnter name of messageing system: ");
    System.Console.WriteLine("Usage: [Rabbit] [Zmq]");
    string MsgSysName = (System.Console.ReadLine()).ToString();

    //Declare an IMessageBus instance:
    //Here, an object of the corresponding Message System
        // (ex. Rabbit, Zmq, etc) is instantiated
    IMessageBus obj1 = MessageBusFactory.GetMessageBus(MsgSysName);

    System.Console.WriteLine("\nA {0} object is now created.", MsgSysName);

    System.Console.WriteLine("Enter a queue to subscribe to: ");
    string QueueName = (System.Console.ReadLine()).ToString();
    obj1.subscribe( QueueName );

    //Create a new Measurement object m2
    Measurement m2 = new Measurement();

    //Read message into m2
    m2 = obj1.read();
    m2.id = 11;
    System.Console.WriteLine("\nMessage received from queue {0}:\n    ID: {1}",QueueName, m2.id);
    System.Console.WriteLine("    Time: {0}", m2.time);
    System.Console.WriteLine("    Value: {0}", m2.value);




在App1.cs的Main方法中添加了string [] args


factory.HostName = "localhost";


factory.HostName = "";

这是我运行Rabbitmq-server的VirtualBox Ubuntu VM的IP地址。没有引发异常,并且在服务器上成功接收到该消息。


关于c# - RabbitMQ和序列化怪异错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6658997/

10-11 23:10