
public static async Task<IEnumerable<object[]>> GetRecordsAsync(
    this Transaction transaction,
    string commandText,
    params SqlParameter[] parameters)
    // Get a SqlDataReader
    var reader = await transaction.GetReaderAsync(commandText, parameters);
    var fieldCount = -1;
    // Begin iterating through records asynchronously
    while (await reader.ReadAsync()) // Note we don't loop until .ReadAsync returns a boolean
        // Grab all the field values out
        if (fieldCount < 0)
            fieldCount = reader.FieldCount;
        var fields = new object[fieldCount];
        // Yield return the field values from this record
        yield return fields;


我没有办法使this answer适应类似的听起来(但又不同)的问题,因为我不知道先验,循环将循环多少次。



根据@SLaks对问题的评论,这是使用Reactive Extensions的一般替代方法:

/// <summary>
/// Turns the given asynchronous functions into an IObservable
/// </summary>
static IObservable<T> ToObservable<T>(
    Func<Task<bool>> shouldLoopAsync,
    Func<Task<T>> getAsync)
    return Observable.Create<T>(
        observer => Task.Run(async () =>
                while (await shouldLoopAsync())
                    var value = await getAsync();

/// <summary>
/// Asynchronously processes each record of the given reader using the given handler
/// </summary>
static async Task ProcessResultsAsync(this SqlDataReader reader, Action<object[]> fieldsHandler)
    // Set up async functions for the reader
    var shouldLoopAsync = (Func<Task<bool>>)reader.ReadAsync;
    var getAsync = new Func<SqlDataReader, Func<Task<object[]>>>(_reader =>
        var fieldCount = -1;
        return () => Task.Run(() =>
            Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref fieldCount, _reader.FieldCount, -1);
            var fields = new object[fieldCount];
            return fields;

    // Turn the async functions into an IObservable
    var observable = ToObservable(shouldLoopAsync, getAsync);

    // Process the fields as they become available
    var finished = new ManualResetEventSlim(); // This will be our signal for when the observable completes
    using (observable.Subscribe(
        onNext: fieldsHandler, // Invoke the handler for each set of fields
        onCompleted: finished.Set // Set the gate when the observable completes
    )) // Don't forget best practice of disposing IDisposables
        // Asynchronously wait for the gate to be set
        await Task.Run((Action)finished.Wait);


// Get a SqlDataReader
var reader = await transaction.GetReaderAsync(commandText, parameters);
// Do something with the records
await reader.ProcessResultsAsync(fields => { /* Code here to process each record */ });

关于c# - 异步任务<IEnumerable>与 yield 返回?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42882078/

10-13 07:03