
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "jlex.h"

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    FILE * sourceFile;
    int lexerStatus;
    token ** tokenList = NULL;

    printf("Attempting to open file...\n");

    if(argc > 1) {
        if(!(sourceFile = fopen(argv[1], "r"))) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Error: Could not open file \'%s\'!\n", argv[1]);
            return FILE_ERROR;
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: No input file given!\n");
        return FILE_ERROR;

    printf("Success!\nLexing input file...\n");

    if((lexerStatus = lexer(&tokenList, sourceFile)) != EXEC_SUCCESS) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error: Failed to lex source file! (%d)\n", lexerStatus);
        return lexerStatus;


    printf("Lexing complete!\n");
    printf("Token Name\tToken Type\tLine Number\n");

    for(token * currToken = tokenList[0]; currToken->type != terminator; currToken++) {
        if(currToken->type == integer || currToken->type == keyword || currToken->type == identifier)
            printf("%s", currToken->string);

        printf("\t\t%d\t\t%d\n", currToken->type, currToken->lineNum);

    return EXEC_SUCCESS;

#ifndef JLEX_H
#define JLEX_H

#include <stdio.h>  /* Required for FILE data type */

#define EXEC_SUCCESS 0
#define FILE_ERROR 1
#define MEM_ERROR 2
#define LEX_ERROR 3

#define DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE 1024

typedef enum tokenTypes { keyword, identifier, operator, string, integer, punctuator, terminator } tokenName;

typedef struct token {
    union {
        char * string;
        int character;
    tokenName type;
    int lineNum;
} token;

extern const char * const keywords[];
extern const char * const operators;
extern const char * const punctuators;

int addTokenToList(token * nextToken, token *** tokenList);
int getNextToken(token * nextToken, FILE * sourceFile);
int lexer(token *** tokenList, FILE * sourceFile);


#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "jlex.h"

const char * const tokenTypeNames[] = { "keyword", "identifier", "operator", "string", "integer", "punctuator", "terminator" };

const char * const keywords[] = {   "boolean",
                                    "while" };

const char * const operators = "+-*/&|~<>+=";

const char * const punctuators = "({[)}],.;";

static inline bool isoperator(int c)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(operators); i++)
        if(c == operators[i])
            return true;

    return false;

static inline bool ispunctuator(int c)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(punctuators); i++)
        if(c == punctuators[i])
            return true;

    return false;

static inline bool iskeyword(char * string)
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(keywords) / sizeof(char*); i++)
        if(!strcmp(keywords[i], string))
            return true;

    return false;

int getNextToken(token * nextToken, FILE * sourceFile)
     *  Skip all whitespace and comments
     *  From first token try and determine token type (possible if an operator, punctuator, terminator, integer, or terminator)
     *  If token is determined then build it and return lexer status
     *  if not then keep reading until a full token can be contstructed
     *  Change chosen delimiters based on what kind of token we think we're reading
     *  Return lexer status (might fail if invalid lexeme is detected, i.e. a number followed by letters)

    int c;
    static int lineNum = 1;

    do {
        c = fgetc(sourceFile);

        if(c == '\n')

    } while((c == '\n') || (c == '\t') || (c == ' '));

    nextToken->lineNum = lineNum;
    nextToken->character = c;

    if(c == EOF) {
        nextToken->type = terminator;
        return EXEC_SUCCESS;

    if(isoperator(c)) {
        nextToken->type = operator;
        return EXEC_SUCCESS;

    if(ispunctuator(c)) {
        nextToken->type = punctuator;
        return EXEC_SUCCESS;

    /* If we get to this point then c is not a single character lexeme so we need to allocate some space for it in the token */

    if(!(nextToken->string = malloc(1024 * sizeof(char))))
        return MEM_ERROR;

    int pos = 0;

    if(isdigit(c)) {
        do {
            nextToken->string[pos++] = c;
            c = fgetc(sourceFile);
        } while(isdigit(c) && pos < 1023);

        nextToken->string[pos] = '\0';

        if(!isoperator(c) && !ispunctuator(c) && !isspace(c))
            return LEX_ERROR;

        nextToken->type = integer;

        return EXEC_SUCCESS;

    /* If we get to this point then we have to be reading an identifier or a keyword */

    do {
        nextToken->string[pos++] = c;
        c = fgetc(sourceFile);
    } while((isalpha(c) || isdigit(c) || c == '_') && pos < 1023);

    nextToken->string[pos] = '\0';

        nextToken->type = keyword;
        nextToken->type = identifier;

    return EXEC_SUCCESS;

int addTokenToList(token * nextToken, token *** tokenList)
    static unsigned int listSize = DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE;
    static unsigned int tokenNum = 0;

    if(listSize <= tokenNum) {
        listSize *= 2;
        if(!(*tokenList = realloc(*tokenList, listSize * sizeof(token *)))) /* If the list isn't large enough then double its size */
            return MEM_ERROR;

    if(!(tokenList[tokenNum] = malloc(sizeof(token)))) /* Allocate memory for the data we are about to copy */
        return MEM_ERROR;

    memcpy(tokenList[tokenNum++], nextToken, sizeof(token)); /* Copy token into the array */

    if(nextToken->type == terminator)
        if(!(*tokenList = realloc(*tokenList, tokenNum  * sizeof(token *)))) /* After EOF we know what the final size of the list is so resize it appropriately */
            return MEM_ERROR;

    return EXEC_SUCCESS;

int lexer(token *** tokenList, FILE * sourceFile)
    int status;
    token nextToken;

    if(!(*tokenList = malloc(DEFAULT_LIST_SIZE * sizeof(token *))))
        return MEM_ERROR;

    do {
        status = getNextToken(&nextToken, sourceFile);

        if(addTokenToList(&nextToken, tokenList) != EXEC_SUCCESS)
            status = MEM_ERROR;

    } while(nextToken.type != terminator && status == EXEC_SUCCESS);

    return status;

class Main {
    function void main () {
        var Array a;
        var int length;
        var int i, sum;

        let length = Keyboard.readInt();
        let a = Array.new(length);
        let i = 0;

        while (i < length) {
            let a[i] = Keyboard.readInt();
            let sum = sum + a[i];
            let i= i+1;

        do Output.printString();
        do Output.printInt(sum / length);
        do Output.println();

Attempting to open file...
Lexing input file...
Lexing complete!
Token Name  Token Type  Line Number
class       0           1
            1041        0
Segmentation fault




if(!((*tokenList)[tokenNum] = malloc(sizeof(token)))) /* Allocate memory for the data we are about to copy */

memcpy((*tokenList)[tokenNum++], nextToken, sizeof(token)); /* Copy token into the array */

int i = 0;

for(token * currToken = tokenList[i]; currToken->type != terminator; currToken = tokenList[++i]) {

pi@raspberrypi:/tmp $ valgrind ./a.out jackExample.jack
==17597== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==17597== Copyright (C) 2002-2017, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==17597== Using Valgrind-3.13.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==17597== Command: ./a.out jackExample.jack
Attempting to open file...
Lexing input file...
Lexing complete!
Token Name  Token Type  Line Number
class       0       1
Main        1       1
{       5       1
function        0       2
void        0       2
main        1       2
(       5       2
)       5       2
{       5       2
var     1       3
Array       1       3
a       1       3
var     1       4
int     0       4
length      1       4
var     1       5
int     0       5
i       1       5
sum     1       5
let     1       7
length      1       7
=       2       7
Keyboard        1       7
readInt     1       7
)       5       7
;       5       7
let     1       8
a       1       8
=       2       8
Array       1       8
new     1       8
length      1       8
;       5       8
let     1       9
i       1       9
=       2       9
0       4       9
while       0       11
(       5       11
i       1       11
<       2       11
length      1       11
{       5       11
let     1       12
a       1       12
i       1       12
=       2       12
Keyboard        1       12
readInt     1       12
)       5       12
;       5       12
let     1       13
sum     1       13
=       2       13
sum     1       13
+       2       13
a       1       13
i       1       13
;       5       13
let     1       14
i       1       14
i       1       14
1       4       14
}       5       15
do      0       17
Output      1       17
printString     1       17
)       5       17
;       5       17
do      0       18
Output      1       18
printInt        1       18
sum     1       18
/       2       18
length      1       18
;       5       18
do      0       19
Output      1       19
println     1       19
)       5       19
;       5       19
return      0       20
}       5       21
}       5       22
==17597== HEAP SUMMARY:
==17597==     in use at exit: 58,704 bytes in 142 blocks
==17597==   total heap usage: 147 allocs, 5 frees, 88,496 bytes allocated
==17597== LEAK SUMMARY:
==17597==    definitely lost: 340 bytes in 1 blocks
==17597==    indirectly lost: 58,364 bytes in 141 blocks
==17597==      possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==17597==    still reachable: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==17597==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==17597== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==17597== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==17597== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 6 from 3)

关于c - Lexer for JACK语言中的段错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54610111/

10-11 20:14