有时,当queryinventoryasync返回no unconsumed purchaseflow时,以下launchpurchaseflow会失败,并给出响应:7:item already owned。

INFO    [IABHelper] Starting async operation: refresh inventory
INFO    [IABHelper] Querying owned items, item type: inapp
INFO    [IABHelper] Package name: jp.co.mycompany.myapp
INFO    [IABHelper] Calling getPurchases with continuation token: null
INFO    [IABHelper] Owned items response: 0
INFO    [IABHelper] Continuation token: null
INFO    [IABHelper] Querying SKU details.
INFO    [IABHelper] queryPrices: nothing to do because there are no SKUs.
INFO    [IABHelper] Querying owned items, item type: subs
INFO    [IABHelper] Package name: jp.co.mycompany.myapp
INFO    [IABHelper] Calling getPurchases with continuation token: null
INFO    [IABHelper] Owned items response: 0
INFO    [IABHelper] Continuation token: null
INFO    [IABHelper] Querying SKU details.
INFO    [IABHelper] queryPrices: nothing to do because there are no SKUs.
INFO    [IABHelper] Ending async operation: refresh inventory

INFO    [IABHelper] Constructing buy intent for jp.co.mycompany.myapp.myitem, item type: inapp
INFO    [IABHelper] Launching buy intent for jp.co.mycompany.myapp.myitem Request code: 1001
INFO    [IABHelper] Ending async operation: launchPurchaseFlow
INFO    [IABHelper] Purchase canceled - Response: 7:Item Already Owned



在手机上清除google play服务应用的缓存。它可能对你有用。

07-24 09:23