基本上,静态 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Bind() 方法中发生的一些内部检查在我的属性上显示“方法不是属性访问器”,这显然是一个属性。使用 Reflector,我最大限度地减少了导致问题的代码量,而且我一生都无法弄清楚为什么会发生这种情况。我唯一的猜测是它与属性不在类本身上的事实有关,但我认为这应该仍然有效:


using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class Base
    public virtual int Id { get; set; }

// As you can see, SubClass does not override the Id property of Base.
public class SubClass : Base { }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Getting the property directly from the type.
        PropertyInfo propertyInfo = typeof(SubClass).GetProperty("Id");
        MethodInfo setMethod = propertyInfo.GetSetMethod();

        /*  Code from here on out is from the System.Linq.Expressions.Bind() method (the one
            that accepts a MethodInfo argument). This method causes GetProperty to be called
            and retrieve what should be the same PropertyInfo. It fails here, saying something
            along the lines of "Method is not a property accessor." which doesn't make sense. */
        PropertyInfo propertyInfo2 = GetProperty(setMethod);

    private static PropertyInfo GetProperty(MethodInfo mi)
        // Not sure if it matters, but declaringType here is "Base".
        Type declaringType = mi.DeclaringType;

        BindingFlags bindingAttr = BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public;
        bindingAttr |= mi.IsStatic ? BindingFlags.Static : BindingFlags.Instance;

        foreach (PropertyInfo info in declaringType.GetProperties(bindingAttr))
            // For the "Id" property, info.CanRead is true, but CheckMethod is false.
            if (info.CanRead && CheckMethod(mi, info.GetGetMethod(true)))
                return info;

            // For the "Id" property, info.CanWrite is true, but CheckMethod is false.
            if (info.CanWrite && CheckMethod(mi, info.GetSetMethod(true)))
                return info;

        // This gets thrown after passing by the "Id" property that is the one I'm looking for.
        throw new Exception("Method is not a property accessor");

    private static bool CheckMethod(MethodInfo method, MethodInfo propertyMethod)
        // These are not equal, so it goes to the next check. In the debugger, they appear identical when I look through the object tree.
        if (method == propertyMethod)
            return true;

        Type declaringType = method.DeclaringType;
        return ((declaringType.IsInterface && (method.Name == propertyMethod.Name)) && (declaringType.GetMethod(method.Name) == propertyMethod));


编辑 - 如果你用 typeof(SubClass) 替换 typeof(Base) ,它会起作用,所以它与这种关系有关。我想我可以通过创建像 typeof(SubClass).GetPropertyFromActualClass("Id") 这样的扩展方法来从根本上解决问题,但我不确定如何执行该检查。


Base 和 SubClass 的属性和方法信息确实不相等,即使 SubClass 没有自己的实现,如下所示:

var subPropertyInfo = typeof(SubClass).GetProperty("Id");
var subPropertyInfoSetter = subPropertyInfo.GetSetMethod();

var basePropertyInfo = typeof(Base).GetProperty("Id");
var basePropertyInfoSetter = basePropertyInfo.GetSetMethod();

Console.WriteLine(subPropertyInfo == basePropertyInfo);     // false
Console.WriteLine(subPropertyInfoSetter == basePropertyInfoSetter); // false

如果使用 mi.ReflectedType 而不是 mi.DeclaringType,则检查成功:
var type = subPropertyInfoSetter.ReflectedType;
                               == subPropertyInfoSetter); // true

关于c# - 反射(reflection)大师 : Why aren't my MethodInfo objects equal?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8431866/

10-11 12:27