关于 Apache Ivy 的三个快速问题:
(1) 在我们的整个项目中,我们使用了 100 多个“通用”JAR(log4j、junit、commons-cli 等)。我们是否必须为所有这些文件编写 ivy.xml(“模块描述符”)文件,或者是否可以在 ibiblio(或其他)存储库中找到通用文件?强制您的用户为每个依赖项编写他们自己的 ivy 文件对我来说听起来非常残酷和不寻常。
(2) 特定 JAR 甚至需要 ivy 文件,还是当 Ivy 在 repo 中查找没有相应 ivy 文件的依赖项时有默认值?
(3) 是否可以将所有依赖项都放在一个文件夹 (repo) 中并定义 1 个 ivy.xml 文件来配置所有依赖项?
(1) Ivy 文件不必列出每个 jar。一些 jar 是其他 jar 的依赖项,并且由 ivy 自动从存储库中提取。没有可用的默认值。对于一个新项目,我通常会生成我的第一个 ivy 文件(请参阅随附的 ant2ivy 脚本)
(2) ivy 文件只有在 jar 有依赖时才需要在 ivy 仓库中。话虽如此,拥有一个是很好的做法。我个人欺骗并使用像 Nexus 这样的 Maven 存储库管理器来存储我的 jars。
(3) 您可以使用文件系统解析器在您的设置文件中创建一个本地存储库,如下所示:
<settings defaultResolver='maven-repos' />
<chain name='maven-repos'>
<ibiblio name='central' m2compatible='true' />
<ibiblio name='spring-external' m2compatible='true' root='http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/external' />
<filesystem name='local'>
<artifact pattern='/home/mark/tmp/petclinic/build/jars/[artifact]' />
<module organisation='NA' name='mylibrary1.jar' resolver='local' />
<module organisation='NA' name='mylibrary2.jar' resolver='local' />
当与模块声明结合使用时,这使您的 ivy.xml 文件中的以下内容成为可能:
<dependency org='NA' name='mylibrary1.jar' rev='NA' />
<dependency org='NA' name='mylibrary2.jar' rev='NA' />
所有其他依赖项都从 Maven 存储库中检索。
如果您遵循我附加的 ant2ivy 脚本的逻辑,您将看到我将此策略与使用 Sonatype 的存储库 REST API 无法识别的 jar 一起使用
ant2ivy 脚本
这是一个粗略且现成的 groovy 脚本,它执行 Sonatypes 存储库的查找以识别指定目录中的 jar
// Dependencies
// ============
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@Grab(group='org.slf4j', module='slf4j-simple', version='1.6.2')
// Classes
// =======
class Ant2Ivy {
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.class.name);
String groupId
String artifactId
String repoUrl
Ant2Ivy(groupId, artifactId) {
this(groupId, artifactId, "http://repository.sonatype.org")
Ant2Ivy(groupId, artifactId, repoUrl) {
this.groupId = groupId
this.artifactId = artifactId
this.repoUrl = repoUrl
log.debug "groupId: {}, artifactId: {}", groupId, artifactId
// Given a directory, find all jar and search Nexus
// based on the file's checksum
// Return a data structure containing the GAV coordinates of each jar
def search(File inputDir) {
def results = [:]
results["found"] = []
results["missing"] = []
log.info "Searching: {} ...", repoUrl
def ant = new AntBuilder()
ant.fileset(id:"jars", dir:inputDir.absolutePath, includes:"**/*.jar")
ant.project.references.jars.each {
def jar = new File(inputDir, it.name)
// Checksum URL
ant.checksum(file:jar.absolutePath, algorithm:"SHA1", property:jar.name)
def searchUrl = "${repoUrl}/service/local/data_index?sha1=${ant.project.properties[jar.name]}"
log.debug "SearchUrl: {}, File: {}", searchUrl, jar.name
// Search for the first result
def searchResults = new XmlParser().parseText(searchUrl.toURL().text)
def artifact = searchResults.data.artifact[0]
if (artifact) {
log.debug "Found: {}", jar.name
results["found"].add([file:jar.name, groupId:artifact.groupId.text(), artifactId:artifact.artifactId.text(), version:artifact.version.text()])
else {
log.warn "Not Found: {}", jar.name
results["missing"].add([file:jar.name, fileObj:jar])
return results
// Given an input direcory, search for the GAV coordinates
// and use this information to write two XML files:
// ivy.xml Contains the ivy dependency declarations
// ivysettings.xml Resolver configuration
def generate(File inputDir, File outputDir) {
def antFile = new File(outputDir, "build.xml")
def ivyFile = new File(outputDir, "ivy.xml")
def ivySettingsFile = new File(outputDir, "ivysettings.xml")
def localRepo = new File(outputDir, "jars")
def results = search(inputDir)
// Generate the ant build file
log.info "Generating ant file: {} ...", antFile.absolutePath
def antContent = new MarkupBuilder(antFile.newPrintWriter())
antContent.project(name: "Sample ivy builde", default:"resolve", "xmlns:ivy":"antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant" ) {
target(name:"resolve") {
target(name:"clean") {
// Generate the ivy file
log.info "Generating ivy file: {} ...", ivyFile.absolutePath
def ivyConfig = new MarkupBuilder(ivyFile.newPrintWriter())
ivyConfig."ivy-module"(version:"2.0") {
info(organisation:this.groupId, module:this.artifactId)
dependencies() {
results.found.each {
dependency(org:it.groupId, name:it.artifactId, rev:it.version, conf:"default->master")
results.missing.each {
dependency(org:"NA", name:it.file, rev:"NA")
// Generate the ivy settings file
log.info "Generating ivy settings file: {} ...", ivySettingsFile.absolutePath
def ivySettings = new MarkupBuilder(ivySettingsFile.newPrintWriter())
def ant = new AntBuilder()
ivySettings.ivysettings() {
resolvers() {
chain(name:"maven-repos") {
// TODO: Make this list of Maven repos configurable
ibiblio(name:"central", m2compatible:"true")
ibiblio(name:"spring-external", m2compatible:"true", root:"http://repository.springsource.com/maven/bundles/external")
if (results.missing.size() > 0) {
filesystem(name:"local") {
if (results.missing.size() > 0) {
modules() {
results.missing.each {
module(organisation:"NA", name:it.file, resolver:"local")
ant.copy(file:it.fileObj.absolutePath, tofile:"${localRepo.absolutePath}/${it.file}")
// Main program
// ============
def cli = new CliBuilder(usage: 'ant2ivy')
cli.with {
h longOpt: 'help', 'Show usage information'
g longOpt: 'groupid', args: 1, 'Module groupid', required: true
a longOpt: 'artifactid', args: 1, 'Module artifactid', required: true
s longOpt: 'sourcedir', args: 1, 'Source directory containing jars', required: true
t longOpt: 'targetdir', args: 1, 'Target directory where write ivy build files', required: true
def options = cli.parse(args)
if (!options) {
if (options.help) {
// Generate ivy configuration
def ant2ivy = new Ant2Ivy(options.groupid, options.artifactid)
ant2ivy.generate(new File(options.sourcedir), new File(options.targetdir))
groovy ant2ivy.groovy -g com.hello -a test -s targetdir/WEB-INF/lib -t build
当针对 petclinic 示例运行时,它生成了以下文件
jars 目录包含在 Maven 存储库中找不到的那些库。
关于 Apache Ivy : Dependency Ivy FIles,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7363580/