我在需要数值的参数中使用自动生成的 Tex 字符串时遇到问题(例如,在 ifthenelse 比较中)。这是一个示例最小代码:

\ifthenelse{\testC<0}{negative}{positive} % works fine !

\newcommand{\testD}{\luaexec{tex.write("123")}} % write to avoid the print carriage return - produces also 123 as \testC
\testD % prompt 132 just as \testC "apparently"
\ifthenelse{\testD<0}{negative}{positive} % error "! Missing number, treated as zero"

\setcounter{compteur}{\testD} % error "! Missing number, treated as zero"



请注意 \luaexec (需要 \usepackage{luacode} )不可扩展,因此它不能用于 (Lua)TeX 在扩展后需要 <number> 的地方。



\ifthenelse{\testC<0}{negative}{positive} % works fine !

\newcommand{\testD}{\directlua{tex.sprint("123")}} % write to avoid the print carriage return - p$

\testD % prompt 132 just as \testC "apparently"

\ifthenelse{\testD<0}{negative}{positive} % error "! Missing number, treated as zero"

\setcounter{compteur}{\testD} % error "! Missing number, treated as zero"


最好在测试中使用 \value{compteur}

关于string - 将 Tex 字符串转换为 Tex 编号,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30050430/

10-13 07:41