我看到的典型Pause monad实现看起来像这样(基于Giulia Costantini和Giuseppe Maggiore的Friendly F#的第5章)。

open System

type Process<'a> = unit -> 'a Step
and Step<'a> =
| Continue of 'a
| Paused of 'a Process

type PauseMonad () =
    member this.Return x = fun () -> Continue x
    member this.ReturnFrom x = x
    member this.Bind (result, rest) =
        fun () ->
            match result () with
            | Continue x -> rest x ()
            | Paused p -> Paused (this.Bind (p, rest))

let yield_ () =
    fun () ->
        Paused (fun () ->
            Continue ())

let get_process_step process_ step = do printfn "Process %d, step %d." process_ step
let get_last_process_step process_ = do printfn "Process %d finished." process_

let rec get_process process_ step_count =
    PauseMonad () {
        do! yield_ ()
        if step_count = 0 then
            do get_last_process_step process_
            return ()
            do get_process_step process_ step_count
            return! get_process process_ <| step_count - 1

let rec race p1 p2 =
    match p1 (), p2 () with
    | Continue _, _ -> do printfn "Process 1 finished first."
    | _, Continue _ -> do printfn "Process 2 finished first."
    | Paused p1_, Paused p2_ -> race (p1_) (p2_)

let main _ =
    let process_1 = get_process 1 5
    let process_2 = get_process 2 7
    do race process_1 process_2



open System

type Process<'a> =
| Continue of 'a
| Paused of (unit -> 'a Process)

type PauseMonad () =
    member this.Return x = Continue x
    member this.ReturnFrom x = x
    member this.Bind (result, rest) =
        match result with
        | Continue x -> Paused (fun () -> rest x)
        | Paused p -> Paused (fun () -> this.Bind (p (), rest))

let yield_ () =
    Paused (fun () ->
        Continue ())

let get_process_step process_ step = do printfn "Process %d, step %d." process_ step
let get_last_process_step process_ = do printfn "Process %d finished." process_

let rec get_process process_ step_count =
    PauseMonad () {
        do! yield_ ()
        if step_count = 0 then
            do get_last_process_step process_
            return ()
            do get_process_step process_ step_count
            return! get_process process_ <| step_count - 1

let rec race p1 p2 =
    match p1, p2 with
    | Continue _, _ -> do printfn "Process 1 finished first."
    | _, Continue _ -> do printfn "Process 2 finished first."
    | Paused p1_, Paused p2_ -> race (p1_ ()) (p2_ ())

let main _ =
    let process_1 = get_process 1 5
    let process_2 = get_process 2 7
    do race process_1 process_2


Process 1, step 5.
Process 2, step 7.
Process 1, step 4.
Process 2, step 6.
Process 1, step 3.
Process 2, step 5.
Process 1, step 2.
Process 2, step 4.
Process 1, step 1.
Process 2, step 3.
Process 1 finished.
Process 2, step 2.
Process 1 finished first.





将代码从Haskell转换为F#有点棘手,因为Haskell是惰性的,因此只要您在Haskell中看到任何值(例如'a),就可以将其解释为unit -> 'a(或更准确地说,是Lazy<'a>)-因此一切都隐式地延迟了。


// Process is always delayed
type Process1<'a> = unit -> 'a Step1
and Step1<'a> = Continue1 of 'a | Paused1 of 'a Process1

// Process is a value or a delayed computation
type Process2<'a> = Continue2 of 'a | Paused2 of (unit -> 'a Process2)


let primitive1 : Process1<int> = fun () ->
  printfn "hi!"    // This will print when the computation is evaluated
  Continue1(42) )

let primitive2 : Process2<int> =
  printfn "hi!"    // This will print immediately and returns a monadic value


process {
  printfn "Hi" // Using Process1, we can easily delay this
               // Using Process2, this is trickier (or we run it immediately)
  return 42 }

关于这一点有很多要说的,您可以找到更多信息in a recent article I wrote about computation expressions

10-08 12:40