* WeatherComputation.java
//Put any imports below this line.
import java.util.*;
* Static methods library which compute averages and other
* computations on integer arrays of temperatures.
* @author Joel Swanson
* @version 03.29.2014
public class WeatherComputation
* Average an array of temperatures.
* @param temperatures An array storing temperatures as ints.
* @return Returns the average of the array of ints.
public static double averageTemperature(int[] temperatures)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < temperatures.length; i++)
sum += temperatures[i];
double average = sum / temperatures.length;
return average;
* Find the highest in an array of temperatures.
* @param temperatures An array storing temperatures as ints.
* @return The largest value from the the array of ints.
public static int highestTemperature(int[] temperatures)
int max = temperatures[0];
for (int i = 1; i < temperatures.length; i++)
if(temperatures[i] > max)
max = temperatures[i];
return max;
* Find the lowest in an array of temperatures.
* @param temperatures An array storing temperatures as ints.
* @return The lowest value from the the array of ints.
public static int lowestTemperature(int[] temperatures)
int min = 0;
while (true)
if (min == -999)
if(min > -999)
min = temperatures[0];
for (int i = 1; i < temperatures.length; i++)
if (min < -999)
if (temperatures[i] < min)
min = temperatures[i];
return min;
* Return the total number of missing days. That is days with
* -999 recorded as the temperatures.
* @param temperatures An array storing temperatures as ints.
* @return The number of -999s found.
public static int numberMissing(int[] temperatures)
int count = 0;
return count;
* Calculate heating degree day.
* @param max The highest temperature for a given day.
* @param min The lowest temperature for a given day.
* @return heating degree day data for this day.
public static double hdd(int max, int min)
double hdd = 0.0;
return hdd;
* Calculate cooling degree day.
* @param max The highest temperature for a given day.
* @param min The lowest temperature for a given day.
* @return cooling degree day data for this day.
public static double cdd(int max, int min)
double cdd = 0.0;
return cdd;
* Sum monthly heating degree days.
* @param max An array with the highest temperatures for each day
* in a given month.
* @param min An array with the lowest temperatures for each day
* in a given month.
* @return The sum of the heating degree days.
public static double monthHdd(int[] max, int[] min)
double sum = 0.0;
return sum;
* Sum monthly cooling degree days.
* @param max An array with the highest temperatures for each day
* in a given month.
* @param min An array with the lowest temperatures for each day
* in a given month.
* @return The sum of the cooling degree days.
public static double monthCdd(int[] max, int[] min)
double sum = 0.0;
return sum;
public static int lowestTemperature(int[] temperatures) {
int min = 999;
for (int temperature : temperatures) {
if (temperature > -999 && temperature < min) {
min = temperature;
return min;
的方式相同(无效值)。原因很简单,如果一个月内只有负值怎么办?然后,您的int min = 0
public static double averageTemperature(int[] temperatures) {
int sum = 0, validTemperatureCounter = 0;
for (int temperature : temperatures) {
if (temperature > -999 && temperature < 999) {
sum += temperature;
return sum / (double)validTemperatureCounter;
public static double averageTemperatureOneLiner(int[] temperatures) {
return Arrays.stream(temperatures).filter(t -> t > -999 && t < 999).average().orElse(0);
public static int lowestTemperatureOneLiner(int[] temperatures) {
return Arrays.stream(temperatures).filter(t -> t > -999 && t < 999).min().orElse(0);
public static int highestTemperatureOneLiner(int[] temperatures) {
return Arrays.stream(temperatures).filter(t -> t > -999 && t < 999).max().orElse(0);
关于java - 如何从数组和/平均值/最小值/最大值中排除数字?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49969753/