
create table employees (
    num_pass int(5) not null,
    name varchar(40),
    primary key (num_pass)

create table laboratories (
    code int(10) not null,
    name varchar(40),
    primary key (codi),

create table areas (
    code int(5) not null,
    codeLab int(10) not null,
    level enum('H','M','L'),
    primary key (code, codeLab),
    foreign key (codeLab) references laboratories(code)

create table qualifieds (
    num_pass int(5) not null,
    area_assigned int(5),
    lab int(5),
    primary key (num_pass),
    foreign key (num_pass) references employees(num_pass),
    foreign key (area_assigned, lab) references areas (code, codeLab)



select b.code
from employees e, areas b, qualifieds q
where e.num_pass=q.num_pass
and 3 < (select count(b1.code)
         from areas b1, qualifieds q1, employers e1
         where e1.num_pass=q1.num_pass
         and q1.area_assigned=b1.code
         and q1.lab=b1.codeLab);

但是我所得到的是所有与员工人数重复多次的区号的列表(我有区号分别为1,2,3,4和6的员工,我得到的是序列1,2,3 ,4重复6次)。关于如何获取所需信息的任何想法?


您可以使用GROUP BY和HAVING查找包含3条以上记录的组...

select areas_assigned, lab, count(num_pass)
    from qualifieds
    group by areas_assigned, lab
    having count(num_pass)>3;


select q.areas_assigned, l.name, count(q.num_pass)
    join laboratories l on l.lab = q.lab
    from qualifieds q
    group by q.areas_assigned, l.name
    having count(q.num_pass)>3;

关于mysql - 获取哪些地区拥有三名以上合格员工,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44484489/

10-16 15:13