


理想情况下,我想拥有一个函数或扩展 _.groupBy() ,以便您可以使用参数对数组进行分组。

var multiGroup = ['size', 'category'];


    groupByMulti: function(obj, val, arr) {
        var result = {};
        var iterator = typeof val == 'function' ? val : function(obj) {
                return obj[val];
        _.each(arr, function(arrvalue, arrIndex) {
            _.each(obj, function(value, objIndex) {
                var key = iterator(value, objIndex);
                var arrresults = obj[objIndex][arrvalue];
                if (_.has(value, arrvalue))
                    (result[arrIndex] || (result[arrIndex] = [])).push(value);

我的头很痛,但我认为还需要更多 push ...

        return result;

properties = _.groupByMulti(properties, function(item) {

    var testVal = item["size"];

    if (parseFloat(testVal)) {
        testVal = parseFloat(item["size"])

    return testVal

}, multiGroup);



   * @mixin
   * Splits a collection into sets, grouped by the result of running each value
   * through iteratee. If iteratee is a string instead of a function, groups by
   * the property named by iteratee on each of the values.
   * @param {array|object} list - The collection to iterate over.
   * @param {(string|function)[]} values - The iteratees to transform keys.
   * @param {object=} context - The values are bound to the context object.
   * @returns {Object} - Returns the composed aggregate object.
  groupByMulti: function(list, values, context) {
    if (!values.length) {
      return list;
    var byFirst = _.groupBy(list, values[0], context),
        rest    = values.slice(1);
    for (var prop in byFirst) {
      byFirst[prop] = _.groupByMulti(byFirst[prop], rest, context);
    return byFirst;

Demo in your jsfiddle

关于arrays - Underscore.js组通过多个值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10022156/

10-12 16:24