
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <Unit ID="1" Name="آذربایجان شرقی">
    <city ID="1">آذرشهر </city>
    <city ID="2">اسکو  </city>
    <city ID="3">اهر  </city>
    <city ID="12">کلیبر </city>
    <city ID="13">مراغه </city>
    <city ID="14">مرند </city>
    <city ID="15">ملکان </city>
    <city ID="16">ملکان </city>
    <city ID="17">میانه </city>
    <city ID="18">ورزقان </city>
    <city ID="19">هریس </city>
    <city ID="20">هشترود</city>

  <Unit  ID="2"  Name="آذربایجان غربی">
    <city ID="1">ارومیه </city>
    <city ID="2">اشنویه </city>
    <city ID="3">بوکان </city>
    <city ID="4">پیرانشهر </city>
    <city ID="5">تکاب </city>
    <city ID="6">چالدران </city>

  <Unit ID="3" Name="اردبیل">
    <city ID="1">اردبیل </city>
    <city ID="2">بیله‌سوار </city>

  <Unit ID="4" Name="اصفهان">
    <city ID="1">آران و بیدگل</city>
    <city ID="2">اردستان </city>
    <city ID="3">اصفهان </city>
    <city ID="4">برخوار و میمه</city>
    <city ID="5">تیران و کرون</city>
    <city ID="6">چادگان </city>
    <city ID="7">خمینی‌شهر </city>
    <city ID="8">خوانسار </city>
    <city ID="9">سمیرم </city>
    <city ID="10">شهرضا"</city>
    <city ID="11">سمیرم سفلی"</city>
    <city ID="12">فریدن"</city>



List<SelectList> u = new List<SelectList>();

var locations = XDocument.Load(strXmlpath);
var query = from l in locations.Descendants("CRM") select l;

foreach (var q in query)
  u.Add(new SelectList(new[] {
                               new {ID   = q.Attributes("ID").FirstOrDefault(),
                                    Name = q.Attributes("Name").FirstOrDefault()
                       "ID", "Name", 1));

ViewData["xml"] = new SelectList(u,"ID","Name");


<%=Html.DropDownList("xml",(SelectList) ViewData["xml"] )%>


  数据绑定:“ System.Web.Mvc.SelectList”不包含名称为“ ID”的属性。



public class UnitViewModel
    public string SelectedID { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> Units { get; set; }


public ActionResult Index()
    // TODO: it would be better to externalize the parsing of the XML
    // file into a separate repository class to avoid cluttering your
    // controller actions with such code which is not what they should
    // be responsible for. But for the purpose of this answer it should
    // be enough

    var file = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/app_data"), "crm.xml");
    var model = new UnitViewModel
        Units =
            from unit in XDocument.Load(file).Document.Descendants("Unit")
            select new SelectListItem
                Value = unit.Attribute("ID").Value,
                Text = unit.Attribute("Name").Value
    return View(model);


<%= Html.DropDownListFor(
    x => x.SelectedID,
    new SelectList(Model.Units, "Value", "Text")
) %>

关于c# - 在Html.DropDownList中显示XML文件内容,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6396847/

10-12 02:34