function getPermutations(str){
    //Enclosed data to be used by the internal recursive function permutate():
    var permutations = [],  //generated permutations stored here
        nextWord = [],      //next word builds up in here
        chars = []          //collection for each recursion level
    //split words or numbers into an array of characters
    if (typeof str === 'string') chars = str.split('');
    else if (typeof str === 'number') {
      str = str + ""; //convert number to string
      chars = str.split('');//convert string into char array
    //============TWO Declaratives========
    return permutations;
    //===========UNDER THE HOOD===========
    function permutate(chars){ //recursive: generates the permutations
        if(chars.length === 0)permutations.push(nextWord.join(''));
        for (var i=0; i < chars.length; i++){
            chars.push(chars.shift());  //rotate the characters
            nextWord.push(chars[0]);    //use the first char in the array
            permutate(chars.slice(1));  //Recurse: array-less-one-char
            nextWord.pop();             //clear for nextWord (multiple pops)
}//==============END of getPermutations(str)=============


另外,当chars变为空时,无法对其调用slice进行permutate(chars.slice(1));谁再次填充字符? char由nextWord.pop()填充吗?因为pop正在将值返回到permutate函数?



javascript - 生成字符串排列的递归函数-LMLPHP递归调用permutate处于循环内,每次执行时,都会将其放入调用堆栈中。多次调用nextWord.pop以完成堆栈上每个递归调用的执行。您可以使用此工具http://visualgo.net/recursion.html可视化递归。如果您拥有Webstorm之类的工具,则可以在调试器中运行该工具,以查看第一次调用nextWord.pop时在堆栈中有三个permutate()调用。

关于javascript - 生成字符串排列的递归函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32900592/

10-13 09:08