我已经开始创建一个网站,可以有效地跟踪用户(他们知道自己正在被跟踪)。用户将走一条特定的路线(更准确地说是围绕英国曼彻斯特),其中有 10 个检查站。检查点是 map 上的静态位置。使用 Google Maps API 我知道我可以在 map 上绘制一个位置,即检查站。我还存储用户到达所述检查点的时间。测量检查点之间的距离,然后我就可以使用基本数学计算它们的平均速度。
现在我想做的是根据他们的速度绘制他们的估计位置。我遇到的困难是从当前位置 沿着路线 绘制一个新的位置 x 英里/米(任何单位)。
假设用户在上午 07:00 到达第一个地点标记,并且估计他们将在上午 09:00 到达第二个地点标记。现在的时间(例如)是 08:00am,这意味着(估计)用户应该在标记之间大约一半的位置。然后我会计算他们走过的距离(再次,估计)并在 map 上绘制他们离第一个地方标记“距离”的位置。
我对谷歌 map API 比较陌生,所以任何想法都会有所帮助。其他类似的问题也被问到过,但据我所知,没有人得到回答或要求提供尽可能多的细节。
更新: 花了很多时间试图解决这个问题后,我惨遭失败。这是我所知道的:
真正的技巧是计算球坐标(即曲面上的点)的两个纬度/经度点之间的距离。由于您正在处理相当小的距离,因此您可以将纬度/经度坐标转换为本地 map 网格系统(平坦的)。两点之间的距离就是直角毕达哥拉斯(平方和)。 Movable Type 网站在这个 here 上有很多好的(javascript)代码。
第二种方法是进行球面距离计算 - 不漂亮但你可以看到它 here
就我个人而言,我会选择将坐标转换为本地网格系统,在英国应该是 OSGB。它是最不扭曲的方法。
我假设您可以使用 google api 提取多段线坐标。我没有在 api 的第 3 版中这样做,但它应该是直截了当的。此外,折线坐标应该非常接近,您不需要插入中间点 - 只需获取最近的折线坐标(省去您必须进行方位和距离计算)。
Edit2 - 使用代码
我已经尝试将一些代码放在一起,但可能没有时间在您的时限内完成它(我确实有工作)。你应该能够得到jist。坐标转换代码是从移动式网站和谷歌示例之一中的基本谷歌 map 中提取的。基本上它通过鼠标点击绘制一条折线,将每次鼠标点击的纬度/经度放入表格字段,将坐标转换为 OSGB,然后转换为 OS Grid(参见 here )。第一次单击后,它会计算每个后续点之间的距离。希望这能让你上路。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />
<style type="text/css">
html { height: 100% }
body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 }
#map_canvas { height: 100% }
<script type="text/javascript"
<script src="Map.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<body onload="initialize()" style="width:100%;height:100%">
<div style="margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;margin-top:100px;width:900px;">
<div id="map_canvas" style="width:600px; height:500px;float:left;"></div>
<div style="float:right;">
<td align="right">Latitude:</td>
<td><input id="txtLatitude" maxlength="11" type="text" class="inputField"/></td>
<td align="right">Longitude:</td>
<td><input id="txtLongitude" maxlength="11" type="text" class="inputField"/></td>
<td align="right">Eastings:</td>
<td><input id="txtEast" maxlength="11" type="text" class="inputField"/></td>
<td align="right">Northings:</td>
<td><input id="txtNorth" maxlength="11" type="text" class="inputField"/></td>
<td align="right">Distance:</td>
<td><input id="txtDistance" maxlength="11" type="text" class="inputField"/></td>
<td colspan=2 align="right">
map .js:
function initialize() {
var myOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(53.43057, -2.14727),
zoom: 18,
mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
var tempIcon = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
new google.maps.Size(12, 20),
new google.maps.Size(6, 20)
var newShadow = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
new google.maps.Size(22, 20),
new google.maps.Point(13, 13)
var tempMarker = new google.maps.Marker();
icon: tempIcon,
shadow: newShadow,
draggable: true
var latlngs = new google.maps.MVCArray();
var displayPath = new google.maps.Polyline({
map: map,
strokeColor: "#FF0000",
strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWeight: 2,
path: latlngs
var lastEast;
var lastNorth;
function showTempMarker(e) {
//Pythagorean distance calculates the length of the hypotenuse (the sloping side)
//of a right angle triangle. Plain (cartesian) coordinates are all right angle triangles.
//The length of the hypotenuse is always the distance between two coordinates.
//One side of the triangle is the difference in east coordinate and the other is
//the difference in north coordinates
function pythagorasDistance(E, N) {
if (lastEast) {
if (lastEast) {
//difference in east coordinates. We don't know what direction we are going so
//it could be a negative number - so just take the absolute value (ie - get rid of any minus sign)
var EastDistance = Math.abs(E - lastEast);
//difference in north coordinates
var NorthDistance = Math.abs(N - lastNorth);
//take the power
var EastPower = Math.pow(EastDistance, 2);
var NorthPower = Math.pow(NorthDistance, 2);
//add them together and take the square root
var pythagorasDistance = Math.sqrt(EastPower + NorthPower );
//round the answer to get rid of ridiculous decimal places (we're not measuring to the neares millimetre)
var result = Math.floor(pythagorasDistance);
document.getElementById('txtDistance').value = result;
function calcCatesian(degLat, degLng) {
var OSGBLL = LL.convertWGS84toOSGB36(new LatLon(degLat, degLng));
var EN = LL.LatLongToOSGrid(OSGBLL);
document.getElementById('txtEast').value = EN.east;
document.getElementById('txtNorth').value = EN.north;
pythagorasDistance(EN.east, EN.north);
lastEast = EN.east;
lastNorth = EN.north;
var lat = e.latLng.lat();
var lng = e.latLng.lng();
document.getElementById('txtLatitude').value = lat;
document.getElementById('txtLongitude').value = lng;
calcCatesian(lat, lng);
google.maps.event.addListener(tempMarker, "drag", function() {
document.getElementById('txtLatitude').value = tempMarker.getPosition().lat();
document.getElementById('txtLongitude').value = tempMarker.getPosition().lng();
calcCatesian(lat, lng);
var newLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
google.maps.event.addListener(map, "click", showTempMarker);
// ---- the following are duplicated from LatLong.html ---- //
* construct a LatLon object: arguments in numeric degrees & metres
* note all LatLong methods expect & return numeric degrees (for lat/long & for bearings)
function LatLon(lat, lon, height) {
if (arguments.length < 3)
height = 0;
this.lat = lat;
this.lon = lon;
this.height = height;
function setPrototypes() {
* represent point {lat, lon} in standard representation
LatLon.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.lat.toLat() + ', ' + this.lon.toLon();
// extend String object with method for parsing degrees or lat/long values to numeric degrees
// this is very flexible on formats, allowing signed decimal degrees, or deg-min-sec suffixed by
// compass direction (NSEW). A variety of separators are accepted (eg 3º 37' 09"W) or fixed-width
// format without separators (eg 0033709W). Seconds and minutes may be omitted. (Minimal validation
// is done).
String.prototype.parseDeg = function() {
if (!isNaN(this))
return Number(this); // signed decimal degrees without NSEW
var degLL = this.replace(/^-/, '').replace(/[NSEW]/i, ''); // strip off any sign or compass dir'n
var dms = degLL.split(/[^0-9.]+/); // split out separate d/m/s
for (var i in dms)
if (dms[i] == '')
dms.splice(i, 1);
// remove empty elements (see note below)
switch (dms.length) { // convert to decimal degrees...
case 3:
// interpret 3-part result as d/m/s
var deg = dms[0] / 1 + dms[1] / 60 + dms[2] / 3600;
case 2:
// interpret 2-part result as d/m
var deg = dms[0] / 1 + dms[1] / 60;
case 1:
// decimal or non-separated dddmmss
if (/[NS]/i.test(this))
degLL = '0' + degLL; // - normalise N/S to 3-digit degrees
var deg = dms[0].slice(0, 3) / 1 + dms[0].slice(3, 5) / 60 + dms[0].slice(5) / 3600;
return NaN;
if (/^-/.test(this) || /[WS]/i.test(this))
deg = -deg; // take '-', west and south as -ve
return deg;
// note: whitespace at start/end will split() into empty elements (except in IE)
// extend Number object with methods for converting degrees/radians
Number.prototype.toRad = function() { // convert degrees to radians
return this * Math.PI / 180;
Number.prototype.toDeg = function() { // convert radians to degrees (signed)
return this * 180 / Math.PI;
// extend Number object with methods for presenting bearings & lat/longs
Number.prototype.toDMS = function(dp) { // convert numeric degrees to deg/min/sec
if (arguments.length < 1)
dp = 0; // if no decimal places argument, round to int seconds
var d = Math.abs(this); // (unsigned result ready for appending compass dir'n)
var deg = Math.floor(d);
var min = Math.floor((d - deg) * 60);
var sec = ((d - deg - min / 60) * 3600).toFixed(dp);
// fix any nonsensical rounding-up
if (sec == 60) {
sec = (0).toFixed(dp);
if (min == 60) {
min = 0;
if (deg == 360)
deg = 0;
// add leading zeros if required
if (deg < 100)
deg = '0' + deg;
if (deg < 10)
deg = '0' + deg;
if (min < 10)
min = '0' + min;
if (sec < 10)
sec = '0' + sec;
return deg + '\u00B0' + min + '\u2032' + sec + '\u2033';
Number.prototype.toLat = function(dp) { // convert numeric degrees to deg/min/sec latitude
return this.toDMS(dp).slice(1) + (this < 0 ? 'S' : 'N'); // knock off initial '0' for lat!
Number.prototype.toLon = function(dp) { // convert numeric degrees to deg/min/sec longitude
return this.toDMS(dp) + (this > 0 ? 'E' : 'W');
* extend Number object with methods for converting degrees/radians
Number.prototype.toRad = function() { // convert degrees to radians
return this * Math.PI / 180;
Number.prototype.toDeg = function() { // convert radians to degrees (signed)
return this * 180 / Math.PI;
* pad a number with sufficient leading zeros to make it w chars wide
Number.prototype.padLZ = function(w) {
var n = this.toString();
for (var i = 0; i < w - n.length; i++)
n = '0' + n;
return n;
LL = function() {
// ellipse parameters
var e = {
WGS84: {
a: 6378137,
b: 6356752.3142,
f: 1 / 298.257223563
Airy1830: {
a: 6377563.396,
b: 6356256.910,
f: 1 / 299.3249646
// helmert transform parameters
var h = {
WGS84toOSGB36: {
tx: -446.448,
ty: 125.157,
tz: -542.060, // m
rx: -0.1502,
ry: -0.2470,
rz: -0.8421, // sec
s: 20.4894
}, // ppm
OSGB36toWGS84: {
tx: 446.448,
ty: -125.157,
tz: 542.060,
rx: 0.1502,
ry: 0.2470,
rz: 0.8421,
s: -20.4894
return {
convertOSGB36toWGS84: function(p1) {
var p2 = this.convert(p1, e.Airy1830, h.OSGB36toWGS84, e.WGS84);
return p2;
convertWGS84toOSGB36: function(p1) {
var p2 = this.convert(p1, e.WGS84, h.WGS84toOSGB36, e.Airy1830);
return p2;
convert: function(p1, e1, t, e2) {
// -- convert polar to cartesian coordinates (using ellipse 1)
p1.lat = p1.lat.toRad();
p1.lon = p1.lon.toRad();
var a = e1.a, b = e1.b;
var sinPhi = Math.sin(p1.lat), cosPhi = Math.cos(p1.lat);
var sinLambda = Math.sin(p1.lon), cosLambda = Math.cos(p1.lon);
var H = p1.height;
var eSq = (a * a - b * b) / (a * a);
var nu = a / Math.sqrt(1 - eSq * sinPhi * sinPhi);
var x1 = (nu + H) * cosPhi * cosLambda;
var y1 = (nu + H) * cosPhi * sinLambda;
var z1 = ((1 - eSq) * nu + H) * sinPhi;
// -- apply helmert transform using appropriate params
var tx = t.tx, ty = t.ty, tz = t.tz;
var rx = t.rx / 3600 * Math.PI / 180; // normalise seconds to radians
var ry = t.ry / 3600 * Math.PI / 180;
var rz = t.rz / 3600 * Math.PI / 180;
var s1 = t.s / 1e6 + 1; // normalise ppm to (s+1)
// apply transform
var x2 = tx + x1 * s1 - y1 * rz + z1 * ry;
var y2 = ty + x1 * rz + y1 * s1 - z1 * rx;
var z2 = tz - x1 * ry + y1 * rx + z1 * s1;
// -- convert cartesian to polar coordinates (using ellipse 2)
a = e2.a, b = e2.b;
var precision = 4 / a; // results accurate to around 4 metres
eSq = (a * a - b * b) / (a * a);
var p = Math.sqrt(x2 * x2 + y2 * y2);
var phi = Math.atan2(z2, p * (1 - eSq)), phiP = 2 * Math.PI;
while (Math.abs(phi - phiP) > precision) {
nu = a / Math.sqrt(1 - eSq * Math.sin(phi) * Math.sin(phi));
phiP = phi;
phi = Math.atan2(z2 + eSq * nu * Math.sin(phi), p);
var lambda = Math.atan2(y2, x2);
H = p / Math.cos(phi) - nu;
return new LatLon(phi.toDeg(), lambda.toDeg(), H);
* convert numeric grid reference (in metres) to standard-form grid ref
gridrefNumToLet: function(e, n, digits) {
// get the 100km-grid indices
var e100k = Math.floor(e / 100000), n100k = Math.floor(n / 100000);
if (e100k < 0 || e100k > 6 || n100k < 0 || n100k > 12)
return '';
// translate those into numeric equivalents of the grid letters
var l1 = (19 - n100k) - (19 - n100k) % 5 + Math.floor((e100k + 10) / 5);
var l2 = (19 - n100k) * 5 % 25 + e100k % 5;
// compensate for skipped 'I' and build grid letter-pairs
if (l1 > 7)
if (l2 > 7)
var letPair = String.fromCharCode(l1 + 'A'.charCodeAt(0), l2 + 'A'.charCodeAt(0));
// strip 100km-grid indices from easting & northing, and reduce precision
e = Math.floor((e % 100000) / Math.pow(10, 5 - digits / 2));
n = Math.floor((n % 100000) / Math.pow(10, 5 - digits / 2));
var gridRef = letPair + e.padLZ(digits / 2) + n.padLZ(digits / 2);
return gridRef;
LatLongToOSGrid: function(p) {
var lat = p.lat.toRad(), lon = p.lon.toRad();
var a = 6377563.396, b = 6356256.910; // Airy 1830 major & minor semi-axes
var F0 = 0.9996012717; // NatGrid scale factor on central meridian
var lat0 = (49).toRad(), lon0 = (-2).toRad(); // NatGrid true origin
var N0 = -100000, E0 = 400000; // northing & easting of true origin, metres
var e2 = 1 - (b * b) / (a * a); // eccentricity squared
var n = (a - b) / (a + b), n2 = n * n, n3 = n * n * n;
var cosLat = Math.cos(lat), sinLat = Math.sin(lat);
var nu = a * F0 / Math.sqrt(1 - e2 * sinLat * sinLat); // transverse radius of curvature
var rho = a * F0 * (1 - e2) / Math.pow(1 - e2 * sinLat * sinLat, 1.5); // meridional radius of curvature
var eta2 = nu / rho - 1;
var Ma = (1 + n + (5 / 4) * n2 + (5 / 4) * n3) * (lat - lat0);
var Mb = (3 * n + 3 * n * n + (21 / 8) * n3) * Math.sin(lat - lat0) * Math.cos(lat + lat0);
var Mc = ((15 / 8) * n2 + (15 / 8) * n3) * Math.sin(2 * (lat - lat0)) * Math.cos(2 * (lat + lat0));
var Md = (35 / 24) * n3 * Math.sin(3 * (lat - lat0)) * Math.cos(3 * (lat + lat0));
var M = b * F0 * (Ma - Mb + Mc - Md); // meridional arc
var cos3lat = cosLat * cosLat * cosLat;
var cos5lat = cos3lat * cosLat * cosLat;
var tan2lat = Math.tan(lat) * Math.tan(lat);
var tan4lat = tan2lat * tan2lat;
var I = M + N0;
var II = (nu / 2) * sinLat * cosLat;
var III = (nu / 24) * sinLat * cos3lat * (5 - tan2lat + 9 * eta2);
var IIIA = (nu / 720) * sinLat * cos5lat * (61 - 58 * tan2lat + tan4lat);
var IV = nu * cosLat;
var V = (nu / 6) * cos3lat * (nu / rho - tan2lat);
var VI = (nu / 120) * cos5lat * (5 - 18 * tan2lat + tan4lat + 14 * eta2 - 58 * tan2lat * eta2);
var dLon = lon - lon0;
var dLon2 = dLon * dLon, dLon3 = dLon2 * dLon, dLon4 = dLon3 * dLon, dLon5 = dLon4 * dLon, dLon6 = dLon5 * dLon;
var N = I + II * dLon2 + III * dLon4 + IIIA * dLon6;
var E = E0 + IV * dLon + V * dLon3 + VI * dLon5;
E = Math.floor(E * 100) / 100;
N = Math.floor(N * 100) / 100;
//return this.gridrefNumToLet(E, N, 8);
return { east: E, north: N }
} ();
关于google-maps - 谷歌 map 距离近似值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8512372/