我正在使用Node和npm Twit模块将推文发布到Twitter。工作正常。



const tweet = (first, subsequent) => {
  bot.post('statuses/update', { status: `${first}` }, (err,data, response) => {
    if (err) {
    } else {
      console.log(`${data.text} tweeted!`);

   /// Find the tweet and then subtweet it!
      var options = { screen_name: 'DoDContractBot', count: 1 };
      bot.get('statuses/user_timeline', options , function(err, data) {
        if (err) throw err;

        let tweetId = data[0].id_str;
        for(let i = 1; i < subsequent.length; i++){
          let status = subsequent[i];
          bot.post('statuses/update', { status, in_reply_to_status_id: tweetId }, (err, data, response) => {
            if(err) throw err;
            console.log(`${subsequent[i]} was posted!`);


无论出于何种原因,这些推文都不会显示在Twitter的同一主题下。外观如下:(这里应该还有两个“ subtweets”。这些tweets是“ post”,但与原始消息分开):

javascript - 通过Twit w/Node.js发布Twitter线程-LMLPHP

还有其他人在Twitter API上遇到过类似问题吗?知道如何通过Twit更优雅地执行线程吗?谢谢!



正如安迪·派珀(Andy Piper)所述,我需要响应特定的tweet ID,而不是线程中的原始tweet ID。因此,我通过将twit模块包装在promise包装器中来重构代码,并使用了async / await的for循环。像这样:

const Twit = require('twit');
const config = require('./config');
const util = require("util");
const bot = new Twit(config);

// Wrapping my code in a promise wrapper...
let post_promise = require('util').promisify( // Wrap post function w/ promisify to allow for sequential posting.
  (options, data, cb) => bot.post(
    (err, ...results) => cb(err, results)

// Async/await for the results of the previous post, get the id...
const tweet_crafter = async (array, id) => {
  for(let i = 1; i < array.length; i++){
    let content = await post_promise('statuses/update', { status: array[i], in_reply_to_status_id: id });
    id = content[0].id_str;

const tweet = (first, subsequent) => {
  post_promise('statuses/update', { status: `${first}` })
    .then((top_tweet) => {
        console.log(`${top_tweet[0].text} tweeted!`);
        let starting_id = top_tweet[0].id_str; // Get top-line tweet ID...
        tweet_crafter(subsequent, starting_id);
    .catch(err => console.log(err));

module.exports = tweet;

关于javascript - 通过Twit w/Node.js发布Twitter线程,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54602481/

10-10 09:08