我一直在尝试在 Canvas 和 Javascript 中重新创建 this Project。我无法破译原始代码,所以我从头开始。不同之处在于我的项目开始滞后于大约 2500 个粒子,而上面的项目使用 30 000 个粒子。


var particleContainer = []
var distance = 10

for(let i = 0; i< square.height/distance; i++){
    for(let j = 0; j< square.height/distance; j++){
    particleContainer.push( new Particle(square.x + i*distance,square.y + j*distance) )

if(  c < 90  ){
            i.xVelocity = a/c * -20
            i.yVelocity = b/c * -20
        }else if(90 < c && c < 95){
            i.xVelocity = a/c * -1
            i.yVelocity = b/c * -1
        }else if(c2 !== 0){
            i.xVelocity =( a2/c2 )
            i.yVelocity = (b2/c2 )
  • (c -> 鼠标和粒子之间的距离)

  • 我正在为正方形的每个“距离”像素创建一个新粒子,并将它们全部插入一个数组中。当我的鼠标靠近其中一个时,粒子将开始远离鼠标,直到距离鼠标 90-95 像素。

    从这条线来看,30 000 像素似乎以类似的方式工作
      for ( i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++ ) {
        p = Object.create( particle );
        p.x = p.ox = MARGIN + SPACING * ( i % COLS );
        p.y = p.oy = MARGIN + SPACING * Math.floor( i / COLS );
        list[i] = p;


    我的完整代码供引用,(html 只是一个 Canvas ):
    var canvas = document.querySelector("canvas")
    var c = canvas.getContext('2d')
    function getMousePos(canvas, evt) {
        // var rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
        return {
          x: evt.clientX,
          y: evt.clientY
      document.addEventListener('mousemove', function(evt) {
        var mousePos = getMousePos(canvas, evt);
        mouse.x= mousePos.x;
        mouse.y= mousePos.y;
      }, false);
      var mouse = {
    function Particle(x,y){
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.xFixed = x;
        this.yFixed = y;
        this.radius = 1
        this.xVelocity = 0
        this.yVelocity = 0
        this.color = 'white'
    Particle.prototype.draw = function(){
        c.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius,0,Math.PI*2,false)
        c.fillStyle = this.color
    Particle.prototype.update = function(){
        this.x += this.xVelocity
        this.y += this.yVelocity
    var square = {
        x: 500,
        y: 150,
        height: 500,
        width: 500,
        color: 'white'
    var particleContainer = []
    var distance = 10
    for(let i = 0; i< square.height/distance; i++){
        for(let j = 0; j< square.height/distance; j++){
        particleContainer.push( new Particle(square.x + i*distance,square.y + j*distance) )
    function animate(){
      canvas.width = window.innerWidth
    canvas.height = window.innerHeight
        for(i of particleContainer){
            let a = mouse.x - i.x
            let b = mouse.y - i.y
            let c = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b,2) + Math.pow(a,2))
            let a2 = i.xFixed - i.x
            let b2 = i.yFixed - i.y
            let c2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b2,2) + Math.pow(a2,2))
            if(  c < 90  ){
                i.xVelocity = a/c * -20
                i.yVelocity = b/c * -20
            }else if(90 < c && c < 95){
                i.xVelocity = a/c * -1
                i.yVelocity = b/c * -1
            }else if(c2 !== 0){
                i.xVelocity =( a2/c2 )
                i.yVelocity = (b2/c2 )
       for(i of particleContainer){


    为了获得更好的渲染效果,您需要将渲染对象添加到同一路径。创建路径后,您可以在一次调用 ctx.fill 中绘制它们

    尝试限制对 innerWidthinnerHeight 的访问,因为它们是非常慢的 DOM 对象,仅通过访问它们就可能导致回流。


    对您的 animate 函数进行以下更改。

    var W = 1, H = 1;
    function animate() {
        c.clearRect(0 ,0, W, H)
        if (H !== innerHeight || W !== innerWidth) {
            W = canvas.width = innerWidth;
            H = canvas.height = innerHeight;
        c.beginPath(); // start a new path
        c.fillStyle = "white";
        for (i of particleContainer) {  // update and draw all particles in one pass
            const a = mouse.x - i.x, b = mouse.y - i.y
            const c = (b * b + a * a) ** 0.5;
            const a2 = i.xFixed - i.x, b2 = i.yFixed - i.y
            const c2 = (b2 * b2 + a2 * a2) ** 0.5;
            if(  c < 90  ){
                i.x += a/c * -20
                i.y += b/c * -20
            }else if(90 < c && c < 95){
                i.x += a/c * -1
                i.y += b/c * -1
            }else if(c2 !== 0){
                i.x +=( a2/c2 )
                i.y += (b2/c2 )
            c.rect(i.x, i.y, 1,1);
        c.fill();  // path complete render it.
       //for(i of particleContainer){  // no longer needed
       //    i.update()

    关于javascript - 提高 Canvas 中粒子的性能,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53427122/

    10-13 00:34