我正在CUDA中执行一些数组操作/计算(通过Cudafy.NET library,尽管我对CUDA / C ++方法同样感兴趣),并且需要计算数组中的最小值和最大值。其中一个内核如下所示:
public static void UpdateEz(GThread thread, float time, float ca, float cb, float[,] hx, float[,] hy, float[,] ez)
var i = thread.blockIdx.x;
var j = thread.blockIdx.y;
if (i > 0 && i < ez.GetLength(0) - 1 && j > 0 && j < ez.GetLength(1) - 1)
ez[i, j] =
ca * ez[i, j]
+ cb * (hx[i, j] - hx[i - 1, j])
+ cb * (hy[i, j - 1] - hy[i, j])
public static void UpdateEz(GThread thread, float time, float ca, float cb, float[,] hx, float[,] hy, float[,] ez, out float min, out float max)
var i = thread.blockIdx.x;
var j = thread.blockIdx.y;
min = float.MaxValue;
max = float.MinValue;
if (i > 0 && i < ez.GetLength(0) - 1 && j > 0 && j < ez.GetLength(1) - 1)
ez[i, j] =
ca * ez[i, j]
+ cb * (hx[i, j] - hx[i - 1, j])
+ cb * (hy[i, j - 1] - hy[i, j])
min = Math.Min(ez[i, j], min);
max = Math.Max(ez[i, j], max);
#define MAX_NEG ... //some small number
template <typename T, int BLKSZ> __global__
void cu_max_reduce(const T* d_data, const int d_len, T* max_val)
volatile __shared__ T smem[BLKSZ];
const int tid = threadIdx.x;
const int bid = blockIdx.x;
//starting index for each block to begin loading the input data into shared memory
const int bid_sidx = bid*BLKSZ;
//load the input data to smem, with padding if needed. each thread handles 2 elements
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
//get the index for the thread to load into shared memory
const int tid_idx = 2*tid + i;
const int ld_idx = bid_sidx + tid_idx;
if(ld_idx < (bid+1)*BLKSZ && ld_idx < d_len)
smem[tid_idx] = d_data[ld_idx];
smem[tid_idx] = MAX_NEG;
//run the reduction per-block
for (unsigned int stride = BLKSZ/2; stride > 0; stride >>= 1)
if(tid < stride)
smem[tid] = ((smem[tid] > smem[tid + stride]) ? smem[tid]:smem[tid + stride]);
//write the per-block result out from shared memory to global memory
max_val[bid] = smem[0];
//assume we have d_data as a device pointer with our data, of length data_len
template <typename T> __host__
T cu_find_max(const T* d_data, const int data_len)
//in your host code, invoke the kernel with something along the lines of:
const int thread_per_block = 16;
const int elem_per_thread = 2;
const int BLKSZ = elem_per_thread*thread_per_block; //number of elements to process per block
const int blocks_per_grid = ceil((float)data_len/(BLKSZ));
dim3 block_dim(thread_per_block, 1, 1);
dim3 grid_dim(blocks_per_grid, 1, 1);
T *d_max;
cudaMalloc((void **)&d_max, sizeof(T)*blocks_per_grid);
cu_max_reduce <T, BLKSZ> <<<grid_dim, block_dim>>> (d_data, data_len, d_max);
这将找到每个块的最大值。您可以在1块的输出上再次运行它(例如,使用d_max作为输入数据,并使用更新的启动参数)以找到全局最大值-如果数据集太大,则需要以这种方式进行多遍运行(例如,在这种情况下,大于2 * 4096个元素,因为每个线程处理2个元素,尽管您可以为每个线程处理更多元素以增加此数量)。
,以及以下位置的文档:推力.github.com / doc / group__extrema.html关于c# - 返回CUDA中数组的最小和最大元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15747519/