一段时间后,我决定重新学习一些函数式编程。这次我决定选择 Haskell,因为它的特性和 .. 语法。
目前我正在做一些练习,但我被卡住了。我想编写一个从列表中选择倒数第二个元素的函数,即给定 [1,2,3,4] 它将是 3。
lastButOne xs
| null xs = xs
| length xs == 1 = xs
| length xs == 2 = lastButOne head xs
| otherwise = lastButOne tail xs
Couldn't match expected type `[a]' with actual type `[a1] -> [a1]'
Relevant bindings include
xs :: [a] (bound at lastButOne.hs:1:12)
lastButOne :: [a] -> [a] (bound at lastButOne.hs:1:1)
Probable cause: `tail' is applied to too few arguments
In the first argument of `lastButOne', namely `tail'
In the expression: lastButOne tail xs
我已经尝试过一些parthness,比如(head xs) 和(tail xs),但它没有帮助。
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ [a]
Expected type: [[a]]
Actual type: [a]
Relevant bindings include
xs :: [a] (bound at lastButOne.hs:1:12)
lastButOne :: [a] -> [a] (bound at lastButOne.hs:1:1)
In the first argument of `head', namely `xs'
In the first argument of `lastButOne', namely `(head xs)'
后续 :
或者我应该写后续的。好吧,我最初的想法是编写一个函数,如果列表长度为 1,则该函数会生成头元素。因此,鉴于李的解释,很容易得出以下结论:
lastPattern :: [a] -> Maybe a
lastPattern [] = Nothing
lastPattern [x] = Just x
lastPattern [x,_] = Just x
lastPattern (_:xs) = lastPattern xs
这是第一个问题。条件 [x] 和 [x,_] 的模式是什么?
接下来我想做的是用相反的方式编写相同的函数(正如 Paul Johnson 所指出的)。我很快想出了
head (tail (reverse [1,2,3,4]))
,它似乎在 REPL 中运行良好。但是当我开始一些编码时,我最终得到了 lastRev :: [a] -> a
lastRev xs
| null xs = error "empty list"
| length xs == 1 = error "too short"
| otherwise = head (tail (reverse xs))
因为 head 函数是
head :: [a] -> a
。上面的功能对我来说有点乱,可以这么说。有什么办法可以使它成为 :: [a] -> Maybe a
吗?这是第二个问题。最后但并非最不重要的 - 第三个问题。哪个功能在性能方面更好?我如何在 Haskell 中测量它?
(head xs)
返回一个 a
并且您试图将它传递给需要 lastButOne
参数的 [a]
。在这种情况下,您可以直接返回 head xs
lastButOne :: [a] -> a
lastButOne xs
| null xs = error "empty list"
| length xs == 1 = error "list too short"
| length xs == 2 = head xs
| otherwise = lastButOne (tail xs)
Maybe a
以便在输入列表太短时返回 Nothing
:lastButOne :: [a] -> Maybe a
lastButOne xs
| null xs = Nothing
| length xs == 1 = Nothing
| length xs == 2 = Just (head xs)
| otherwise = lastButOne (tail xs)
lastButOne :: [a] -> Maybe a
lastButOne [] = Nothing
lastButOne [_] = Nothing
lastButOne [x,_] = Just x
lastButOne (_:xs) = lastButOne xs
关于haskell - 选择列表的倒数第二个元素,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31484511/