这是一棵 bool 谓词树。
data Pred a = Leaf (a -> Bool)
| And (Pred a) (Pred a)
| Or (Pred a) (Pred a)
| Not (Pred a)
eval :: Pred a -> a -> Bool
eval (Leaf f) = f
eval (l `And` r) = \x -> eval l x && eval r x
eval (l `Or` r) = \x -> eval l x || eval r x
eval (Not p) = not . eval p
data User = U {
isActive :: Bool
data Post = P {
isPublic :: Bool
userIsActive :: Pred User
userIsActive = Leaf isActive
postIsPublic :: Pred Post
postIsPublic = Leaf isPublic
-- doesn't compile because And requires predicates on the same type
-- userCanComment = userIsActive `And` postIsPublic
data World = W User Post
的东西来解决这个问题,并且专门使用 Pred World
。但是,向您的系统添加新实体则需要更改 World
;较小的谓词通常不需要整个事情( postIsPublic
不需要使用 User
);在没有 Post
的上下文中的客户端代码不能使用 Pred World
。它在 Scala 中很有魅力,它可以通过统一推断出组合特征的子类型约束:
sealed trait Pred[-A]
case class Leaf[A](f : A => Boolean) extends Pred[A]
case class And[A](l : Pred[A], r : Pred[A]) extends Pred[A]
case class Or[A](l : Pred[A], r : Pred[A]) extends Pred[A]
case class Not[A](p : Pred[A]) extends Pred[A]
def eval[A](p : Pred[A], x : A) : Boolean = {
p match {
case Leaf(f) => f(x)
case And(l, r) => eval(l, x) && eval(r, x)
case Or(l, r) => eval(l, x) || eval(r, x)
case Not(pred) => ! eval(pred, x)
class User(val isActive : Boolean)
class Post(val isPublic : Boolean)
trait HasUser {
val user : User
trait HasPost {
val post : Post
val userIsActive = Leaf[HasUser](x => x.user.isActive)
val postIsPublic = Leaf[HasPost](x => x.post.isPublic)
val userCanCommentOnPost = And(userIsActive, postIsPublic) // type is inferred as And[HasUser with HasPost]
被声明为逆变 - 无论如何都是如此。)当您需要 eval
一个 Pred
时,您可以简单地将所需的特征组合到一个匿名子类中 - new HasUser with HasPost { val user = new User(true); val post = new Post(false); }
来将其转换为 Haskell。-- conjunction of partially-applied constraints
-- (/\) :: (k -> Constraint) -> (k -> Constraint) -> (k -> Constraint)
type family (/\) c1 c2 a :: Constraint where
(/\) c1 c2 a = (c1 a, c2 a)
data Pred c where
Leaf :: (forall a. c a => a -> Bool) -> Pred c
And :: Pred c1 -> Pred c2 -> Pred (c1 /\ c2)
Or :: Pred c1 -> Pred c2 -> Pred (c1 /\ c2)
Not :: Pred c -> Pred c
data User = U {
isActive :: Bool
data Post = P {
isPublic :: Bool
class HasUser a where
user :: a -> User
class HasPost a where
post :: a -> Post
userIsActive :: Pred HasUser
userIsActive = Leaf (isActive . user)
postIsPublic :: Pred HasPost
postIsPublic = Leaf (isPublic . post)
userCanComment = userIsActive `And` postIsPublic
-- ghci> :t userCanComment
-- userCanComment :: Pred (HasUser /\ HasPost)
时,您都会在整体的类型上定义一个需求(例如 HasUser
),而不直接指定该类型。树的其他构造函数向上冒泡这些要求(使用约束结合 /\
),因此树的根知道叶子的所有要求。然后,当您想对谓词进行 eval
:eval :: c a => Pred c -> a -> Bool
eval (Leaf f) = f
eval (l `And` r) = \x -> eval l x && eval r x
eval (l `Or` r) = \x -> eval l x || eval r x
eval (Not p) = not . eval p
和 Or
情况出错了。 GHC 似乎不愿意在递归调用中扩展 /\
:Could not deduce (c1 a) arising from a use of ‘eval’
from the context (c a)
bound by the type signature for
eval :: (c a) => Pred c -> a -> Bool
at spec.hs:55:9-34
or from (c ~ (c1 /\ c2))
bound by a pattern with constructor
And :: forall (c1 :: * -> Constraint) (c2 :: * -> Constraint).
Pred c1 -> Pred c2 -> Pred (c1 /\ c2),
in an equation for ‘eval’
at spec.hs:57:7-15
Relevant bindings include
x :: a (bound at spec.hs:57:21)
l :: Pred c1 (bound at spec.hs:57:7)
eval :: Pred c -> a -> Bool (bound at spec.hs:56:1)
In the first argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘eval l x’
In the expression: eval l x && eval r x
In the expression: \ x -> eval l x && eval r x
GHC 知道
c a
和 c ~ (c1 /\ c2)
(因此也知道 (c1 /\ c2) a
)但不能推导出 c1 a
,这需要扩展 /\
的定义。我有一种感觉,如果 /\
是一个类型同义词,而不是一个家庭,它会起作用,但是 Haskell 不允许部分应用类型同义词(这是 Pred
修补它:conjL :: (c1 /\ c2) a :- c1 a
conjL = Sub Dict
conjR :: (c1 /\ c2) a :- c1 a
conjR = Sub Dict
eval :: c a => Pred c -> a -> Bool
eval (Leaf f) = f
eval (l `And` r) = \x -> (eval l x \\ conjL) && (eval r x \\ conjR)
eval (l `Or` r) = \x -> (eval l x \\ conjL) || (eval r x \\ conjR)
eval (Not p) = not . eval p
Could not deduce (c3 a) arising from a use of ‘eval’
from the context (c a)
bound by the type signature for
eval :: (c a) => Pred c -> a -> Bool
at spec.hs:57:9-34
or from (c ~ (c3 /\ c4))
bound by a pattern with constructor
And :: forall (c1 :: * -> Constraint) (c2 :: * -> Constraint).
Pred c1 -> Pred c2 -> Pred (c1 /\ c2),
in an equation for ‘eval’
at spec.hs:59:7-15
or from (c10 a0)
bound by a type expected by the context: (c10 a0) => Bool
at spec.hs:59:27-43
Relevant bindings include
x :: a (bound at spec.hs:59:21)
l :: Pred c3 (bound at spec.hs:59:7)
eval :: Pred c -> a -> Bool (bound at spec.hs:58:1)
In the first argument of ‘(\\)’, namely ‘eval l x’
In the first argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘(eval l x \\ conjL)’
In the expression: (eval l x \\ conjL) && (eval r x \\ conjR)
Could not deduce (c10 a0, c20 a0) arising from a use of ‘\\’
from the context (c a)
bound by the type signature for
eval :: (c a) => Pred c -> a -> Bool
at spec.hs:57:9-34
or from (c ~ (c3 /\ c4))
bound by a pattern with constructor
And :: forall (c1 :: * -> Constraint) (c2 :: * -> Constraint).
Pred c1 -> Pred c2 -> Pred (c1 /\ c2),
in an equation for ‘eval’
at spec.hs:59:7-15
In the first argument of ‘(&&)’, namely ‘(eval l x \\ conjL)’
In the expression: (eval l x \\ conjL) && (eval r x \\ conjR)
In the expression:
\ x -> (eval l x \\ conjL) && (eval r x \\ conjR)
这或多或少是相同的故事,除了现在 GHC 似乎也不愿意将 GADT 引入的变量与
所需的变量统一起来。看起来这次 /\
类型中的 conjL
已经扩展为 (c10 a0, c20 a0)
。 (我认为这是因为 /\
似乎完全应用于 conjL
,而不是像在 And
中那样采用柯里化形式。)不用说,我很惊讶 Scala 在这方面比 Haskell 做得更好。我怎样才能摆弄
的主体,直到它进行类型检查?我可以哄 GHC 扩展 /\
吗?我是不是用错了方法?我想要的甚至可能吗? 最佳答案
数据构造函数 And :: Pred c1 -> Pred c2 -> Pred (c1 /\ c2)
和 Or :: ...
格式不正确,因为不能部分应用类型族。但是,早于 7.10 的 GHC 将 erroneously accept this definition - 然后在您尝试对其执行任何操作时给出您看到的错误。
class (c1 a, c2 a) => (/\) (c1 :: k -> Constraint) (c2 :: k -> Constraint) (a :: k)
instance (c1 a, c2 a) => (c1 /\ c2) a
的直接实现将起作用。关于scala - 从连词中提取约束,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30821013/