我是Kubernetes的新手。借助Kubernetes文档,我在Windows计算机中安装了minikube(v0.24.1)和kubectl。 VirtualBox(5.1.18版)也已安装在我的计算机中。

在启动minikube之前,我已经在Windows命令提示符下执行了set HTTP_PROXY=xx.xx.xx:8080set NO_PROXY=localhost,,

C:\minikube>minikube start --memory 4096  --vm-driver=virtualbox --docker-env http_proxy=xx.xx.xx:8080  --docker-env https_proxy=xx.xx.xx:8080 --docker-env no_proxy=localhost,, --cache-images=false
Starting local Kubernetes v1.9.0 cluster...
Starting VM...
Getting VM IP address...
Moving files into cluster...
Setting up certs...
Connecting to cluster...
Setting up kubeconfig...
Starting cluster components...
Kubectl is now configured to use the cluster.
Loading cached images from config file.

C:\minikube>kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"9", GitVersion:"v1.9.0", GitCommit:"925c127ec6b946659ad0fd596fa959be43f0cc05", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2017-12-15T21:07:38Z", GoVersion:"go1.9.2", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"windows/amd64"}
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connectex: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.

Feb 01 08:48:35 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:48:35.223594    2941 proxier.go:1701] Failed to delete stale service IP connections, error: error deleting connection tracking
 file not found in $PATH
Feb 01 08:48:38 minikube localkube[2941]: I0201 08:48:38.738404    2941 node_controller.go:857] Controller detected that some Nodes are Ready. Exiting master disruption mode.
Feb 01 08:48:45 minikube localkube[2941]: W0201 08:48:45.765543    2941 conversion.go:110] Could not get instant cpu stats: different number of cpus
Feb 01 08:48:55 minikube localkube[2941]: W0201 08:48:55.776172    2941 conversion.go:110] Could not get instant cpu stats: different number of cpus
Feb 01 08:49:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:49:24.338731    2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
Feb 01 08:50:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:50:24.341890    2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
Feb 01 08:51:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:51:24.342845    2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
Feb 01 08:52:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:52:24.344497    2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
Feb 01 08:53:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:53:24.349095    2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address
Feb 01 08:54:24 minikube localkube[2941]: E0201 08:54:24.351143    2941 healthcheck.go:317] Failed to start node healthz on 0: listen tcp: address 0: missing port in address





minikube start --docker-env HTTP_PROXY=http://$YOURPROXY:PORT \ --docker-env HTTPS_PROXY=https://$YOURPROXY:PORT



关于windows - Minikube在Windows 8中不起作用,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48418573/

10-15 21:51