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          <title>Joseph Kuzera | Resume</title>
          <section class="my-5">
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      <p class="text-center h1-responsive my-5 qut">“With hard work and dedication, anything is possible.”
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      <h2 class="lead grey-text w-50 mx-auto mains">Edu<span class="blk">cation</span></h2>
      <div class="container b-0 p-0 w-50"><p class="subhead">College Of Dupage <span class="loca">Glen Ellyn, IL</span></p>
       <p class="subtext">A.A.S. IN COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS <span class="date">August 2015-August 2018</span></p>
       <ul class="entry-content extra">
          <li class="lipad">Was always in good standing maintaining a GPA of 3.5 or above.</li>







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10-06 07:30