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								<h2 id="testimonials">Testimonials</h2>
								<p>&ldquo;A description of some sort between these tags. I am so cool ye and awesomely awesome. He was cool.&rdquo;</p>
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								<h2 id="testimonials">Testimonials</h2>
								<p>&ldquo;A description of some sort between these tags. I am so cool ye and awesomely awesome. He was cool.&rdquo;</p>
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								<h2 id="testimonials">Testimonials</h2>
								<p>&ldquo;A description of some sort between these tags. I am so cool ye and awesomely awesome. He was cool.&rdquo;</p>
								<a href="#" class="info">Read More</a>

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								<h2 id="testimonials">Testimonials</h2>
								<p>&ldquo;A description of some sort between these tags. I am so cool ye and awesomely awesome. He was cool.&rdquo;</p>
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								<h2 id="testimonials">Testimonials</h2>
								<p>&ldquo;A description of some sort between these tags. I am so cool ye and awesomely awesome. He was cool.&rdquo;</p>
								<a href="#" class="info">Read More</a>

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								<p>&ldquo;A description of some sort between these tags. I am so cool ye and awesomely awesome. He was cool.&rdquo;</p>
								<a href="#" class="info">Read More</a>





.view-second p {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(0);
    transition: all 0.5s linear 0s;

Fiddle here

07-24 09:43