对于线性距离的特殊坡度,我需要检查给定纬度/经度的新点相对于存储在地图中的所有其他点是否具有大于10 km的距离。我想避免,地图中的所有点都是按顺序比较的。

private static Map<Long,String> getTop10DSEGs() throws IOException  {
    Map<Long,String> top10Dsegs = new HashMap<>();
    List<String> allDsegs = loadDsegRanking(rFiles);
    //the list allDsegs is a csv with the following structure
    //dsegID, Latitide, Longitude
    double LatFromList, LonFromList;
    double LatFromMap, LonFromMap;
    String[] listArray;
    String[] mapArray;
    Long firstDseg = Long.parseLong(allDsegs.get(0).substring(0, 19));
    top10Dsegs.put(firstDseg, allDsegs.get(0).substring(20));
    //Iterating through all dsegs
    for(String line : allDsegs){
        Long nextID = null;
        String nextCoordinates = "0.0000,0.0000";
        listArray = line.split(",");
        LatFromList = Double.valueOf(listArray[1]);
        LonFromList = Double.valueOf(listArray[2]);
        //checking all coordinates of maped dsegs
        for(Map.Entry<Long, String> entry : top10Dsegs.entrySet()){
            List<Double> distanceList = new ArrayList<>();
            mapArray = entry.getValue().split(",");
            LatFromMap = Double.valueOf(mapArray[0]);
            LonFromMap = Double.valueOf(mapArray[1]);
            //calculating the distance between the next city from the list and the other dsegs from the map
            //result of dist is a double and it's metric is Km.
            Double dist = Implements.DistanceCalculator.distance(LatFromMap, LonFromMap, LatFromList, LonFromList, "K");
            for(Double value : distanceList){
                if (dist>10){
                    nextID = Long.parseLong(listArray[0]);
                    nextCoordinates = listArray[1] + "," + listArray[2];
        if(nextID != null && top10Dsegs.size() < 10){
            top10Dsegs.put(nextID, nextStartCoordinates);
return top10Dsegs;



09-11 19:24