


此方法类似于组件的constructor。它由真正的constructor调用,并且是自定义组件初始化的一个很好的 Hook 点(如名称中所述!)。



另一个有趣的地方是initComponent是创建子组件(用于容器),商店, View ,模板等的地方。因此,在调用父类(super class)initComponent方法之前,您可以对它们进行操作,以确保它们尚未被使用或需要(例如,添加商品,创建商店等)。另一方面,一旦调用了super方法,就可以确保已创建并实例化了所有这些依赖项。因此,例如,这是将监听器添加到依赖项的好地方。



constructor: function(config) {

    // --- Accessing a config option is very complicated ---

    // unsafe: this may be changed by the passed config
    if (this.enableSomeFeature) { ... }

    // instead, you would have to do:
    var featureEnabled;
    if (config) { // not sure we've been passed a config object
        if (Ext.isDefined(config.featureEnabled)) {
            featureEnabled = config.featureEnabled;
        } else {
            featureEnabled = this.enableSomeFeature;
    } else {
        featureEnabled = this.enableSomeFeature;
    // now we know, but that wasn't smooth
    if (featureEnabled) {

    // --- Even worse: trying to change the value of the option ---

    // unsafe: we may not have a config object
    config.enableSomeFeature = false;

    // unsafe: we are modifying the original config object
    (config = config || {}).enableSomeFeature = false;

    // cloning the config object is safe, but that's ineficient
    // and inelegant
    config = Ext.apply({enableSomeFeature: false}, config);

    // --- Super method ---

    this.callParent(arguments); // don't forget the arguments here!

    // --------------------

    // here initComponent will have been called

,initComponent: function() {

    // --- Accessing config options is easy ---

    // reading
    if (this.enableSomeFeature) { ... }

    // or writing: we now we change it in the right place, and
    // we know it has not been used yet
    this.deferRender = true;

    // --- Completing or changing dependant objects is safe ---
    // items, stores, templates, etc.

    // Safe:
    // 1. you can be sure that the store has not already been used
    // 2. you can be sure that the config object will be instantiated
    //    in the super method
    this.store = {
        type: 'json'

    // --- However that's too early to use dependant objects ---

    // Unsafe: you've no certitude that the template object has
    // already been created

    // --- Super method ---


    // --------------------

    // Safe: the store has been instantiated here

    // will crash, the element has not been created yet

关于extjs - extjs4.1中的initComponent函数有什么用?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16933161/

10-12 17:59