我想用 gnuplot 创建一个这样的图:

我有固定时间的不同数据点。我想围绕代表 x 值对这些数据点进行分组。

9 0.333
9 0.308
9 0.289
15 0.356
15 0.836
15 0.364
15 0.347
0 0.386
0 0.318
0 0.347
0 0.322
12 0.351
12 0.314
12 0.314

set xtics (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21)
plot for [i=1:15] sprintf('file_%i.dat', i) using 1:2 with points

但它们是重叠的。如何使用 gnuplot 执行此操作?



#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot

o1 = 0.1 # x-offset for each set of points on plot
n = 15   # number of files, integer
# x-offset for leftmost set of points.
# this will center all sets of points around the central x value,
# whether there are an even or odd number of sets
o2 = (n/2.0 - 0.5) * o1

set xtics (0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21)

plot for [i=1:n] sprintf('file_%i.dat', i) using ($1-o2+i*o1):2 with points


关于gnuplot - 使用 gnuplot 创建点组直方图,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14777731/

10-10 18:03