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The most efficient way to implement an integer based power function pow(int, int)



  • 使用相同的常量pow()
  • 计算大量连续的a s
  • 事先知道b肯定是是整数吗?

  • 我正在寻找在这些特定情况下有效的快速替代方案。



    我相信适当的归因于jit_a,如蓝色月亮所指出的。我早就失去了链接。看起来像他们。 (减去一两次调整)。

    /* Function to calculate x raised to the power y
        Time Complexity: O(n)
        Space Complexity: O(1)
        Algorithmic Paradigm: Divide and conquer.
    int power1 (int x, unsigned int y)
        if (y == 0)
            return 1;
        else if ((y % 2) == 0)
            return power1 (x, y / 2) * power1 (x, y / 2);
            return x * power1 (x, y / 2) * power1 (x, y / 2);
    /* Function to calculate x raised to the power y in O(logn)
        Time Complexity of optimized solution: O(logn)
    int power2 (int x, unsigned int y)
        int temp;
        if (y == 0)
            return 1;
        temp = power2 (x, y / 2);
        if ((y % 2) == 0)
            return temp * temp;
            return x * temp * temp;
    /* Extended version of power function that can work
    for float x and negative y
    float powerf (float x, int y)
        float temp;
        if (y == 0)
        return 1;
        temp = powerf (x, y / 2);
        if ((y % 2) == 0) {
            return temp * temp;
        } else {
            if (y > 0)
                return x * temp * temp;
                return (temp * temp) / x;
    /* Extended version of power function that can work
    for double x and negative y
    double powerd (double x, int y)
        double temp;
        if (y == 0)
        return 1;
        temp = powerd (x, y / 2);
        if ((y % 2) == 0) {
            return temp * temp;
        } else {
            if (y > 0)
                return x * temp * temp;
                return (temp * temp) / x;

    关于c++ - path()在cmath中的实现和有效的替换,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

    10-11 22:07