import com.greensock.TweenMax;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.media.Sound;
import flash.media.SoundChannel;
import flash.media.SoundLoaderContext;
import flash.media.SoundTransform;
import flash.net.URLRequest;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
* The SoundManager is a singleton that allows you to have various ways to control sounds in your project.
* <p />
* The SoundManager can load external or library sounds, pause/mute/stop/control volume for one or more sounds at a time,
* fade sounds up or down, and allows additional control to sounds not readily available through the default classes.
* <p />
* This class is dependent on TweenLite (http://www.tweenlite.com) to aid in easily fading the volume of the sound.
* @author Matt Przybylski [http://www.reintroducing.com]
* @version 1.0
* Modified by Oliver-Bogdan Iancu
public class SoundManager
//- PRIVATE & PROTECTED VARIABLES -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// singleton instance
private static var _instance:SoundManager;
private static var _allowInstance:Boolean;
private var _soundsDict:Dictionary;
private var _sounds:Array;
private var $callBackFun:Function;
//- PUBLIC & INTERNAL VARIABLES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//- CONSTRUCTOR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// singleton instance of SoundManager
public static function getInstance():SoundManager
if (SoundManager._instance == null)
SoundManager._allowInstance = true;
SoundManager._instance = new SoundManager();
SoundManager._allowInstance = false;
return SoundManager._instance;
public function SoundManager()
this._soundsDict = new Dictionary(true);
this._sounds = new Array();
if (!SoundManager._allowInstance)
throw new Error("Error: Use SoundManager.getInstance() instead of the new keyword.");
//- PRIVATE & PROTECTED METHODS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//- PUBLIC & INTERNAL METHODS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a sound from the library to the sounds dictionary for playing in the future.
* @param $linkageID The class name of the library symbol that was exported for AS
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound to be used when calling other methods on the sound
* @return Boolean A boolean value representing if the sound was added successfully
public function addLibrarySound($linkageID:*, $name:String):Boolean
for (var i:int = 0; i <this._sounds.length; i++)
if (this._sounds[i].name == $name) return false;
var sndObj:Object = new Object();
var snd:Sound = $linkageID;
sndObj.name = $name;
sndObj.sound = snd;
sndObj.channel = new SoundChannel();
sndObj.position = 0;
sndObj.paused = true;
sndObj.volume = 1;
sndObj.startTime = 0;
sndObj.loops = 0;
sndObj.pausedByAll = false;
this._soundsDict[$name] = sndObj;
return true;
* Adds an external sound to the sounds dictionary for playing in the future.
* @param $path A string representing the path where the sound is on the server
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound to be used when calling other methods on the sound
* @param $buffer The number, in milliseconds, to buffer the sound before you can play it (default: 1000)
* @param $checkPolicyFile A boolean that determines whether Flash Player should try to download a cross-domain policy file from the loaded sound's server before beginning to load the sound (default: false)
* @return Boolean A boolean value representing if the sound was added successfully
public function addExternalSound($path:String, $name:String, $buffer:Number = 1000, $checkPolicyFile:Boolean = false):Boolean
for (var i:int = 0; i <this._sounds.length; i++)
if (this._sounds[i].name == $name) return false;
var sndObj:Object = new Object();
var snd:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest($path), new SoundLoaderContext($buffer, $checkPolicyFile));
sndObj.name = $name;
sndObj.sound = snd;
sndObj.channel = new SoundChannel();
sndObj.position = 0;
sndObj.paused = true;
sndObj.volume = 1;
sndObj.startTime = 0;
sndObj.loops = 0;
sndObj.pausedByAll = false;
this._soundsDict[$name] = sndObj;
return true;
* Removes a sound from the sound dictionary. After calling this, the sound will not be available until it is re-added.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound to remove
* @return void
public function removeSound($name:String):void
for (var i:int = 0; i <this._sounds.length; i++)
if (this._sounds[i].name == $name)
this._sounds[i] = null;
this._sounds.splice(i, 1);
delete this._soundsDict[$name];
* Removes all sounds from the sound dictionary.
* @return void
public function removeAllSounds():void
for (var i:int = 0; i <this._sounds.length; i++)
this._sounds[i] = null;
this._sounds = new Array();
this._soundsDict = new Dictionary(true);
* Plays or resumes a sound from the sound dictionary with the specified name.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound to play
* @param $volume A number from 0 to 1 representing the volume at which to play the sound (default: 1)
* @param $startTime A number (in milliseconds) representing the time to start playing the sound at (default: 0)
* @param $loops An integer representing the number of times to loop the sound (default: 0)
* @return void
public function playSound($name:String, $volume:Number = 1, $startTime:Number = 0, $loops:int = 0, $callBackFun:Function = null):SoundChannel
this.$callBackFun = $callBackFun;
var snd:Object = this._soundsDict[$name];
snd.volume = $volume;
snd.startTime = $startTime;
snd.loops = $loops;
if (snd.paused)
snd.channel = snd.sound.play(snd.position, snd.loops, new SoundTransform(snd.volume));
snd.channel = snd.sound.play($startTime, snd.loops, new SoundTransform(snd.volume));
if ($callBackFun != null)
snd.channel.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, onSoundCompleteEvent);
snd.paused = false;
return snd.channel;
private function onSoundCompleteEvent(e:Event):void
* Stops the specified sound.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound
* @return void
public function stopSound($name:String):void
var snd:Object = this._soundsDict[$name];
snd.paused = true;
snd.position = snd.channel.position;
* Pauses the specified sound.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound
* @return void
public function pauseSound($name:String):void
var snd:Object = this._soundsDict[$name];
snd.paused = true;
snd.position = snd.channel.position;
* Plays all the sounds that are in the sound dictionary.
* @param $useCurrentlyPlayingOnly A boolean that only plays the sounds which were currently playing before a pauseAllSounds() or stopAllSounds() call (default: false)
* @return void
public function playAllSounds($useCurrentlyPlayingOnly:Boolean = false):void
for (var i:int = 0; i <this._sounds.length; i++)
var id:String = this._sounds[i].name;
if ($useCurrentlyPlayingOnly)
if (this._soundsDict[id].pausedByAll)
this._soundsDict[id].pausedByAll = false;
* Stops all the sounds that are in the sound dictionary.
* @param $useCurrentlyPlayingOnly A boolean that only stops the sounds which are currently playing (default: true)
* @return void
public function stopAllSounds($useCurrentlyPlayingOnly:Boolean = true):void
for (var i:int = 0; i <this._sounds.length; i++)
var id:String = this._sounds[i].name;
if ($useCurrentlyPlayingOnly)
if (!this._soundsDict[id].paused)
this._soundsDict[id].pausedByAll = true;
* Pauses all the sounds that are in the sound dictionary.
* @param $useCurrentlyPlayingOnly A boolean that only pauses the sounds which are currently playing (default: true)
* @return void
public function pauseAllSounds($useCurrentlyPlayingOnly:Boolean = true):void
for (var i:int = 0; i <this._sounds.length; i++)
var id:String = this._sounds[i].name;
if ($useCurrentlyPlayingOnly)
if (!this._soundsDict[id].paused)
this._soundsDict[id].pausedByAll = true;
* Fades the sound to the specified volume over the specified amount of time.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound
* @param $targVolume The target volume to fade to, between 0 and 1 (default: 0)
* @param $fadeLength The time to fade over, in seconds (default: 1)
* @return void
public function fadeSound($name:String, $targVolume:Number = 0, $fadeLength:Number = 1):void
var fadeChannel:SoundChannel = this._soundsDict[$name].channel;
TweenMax.to(fadeChannel , $fadeLength, { volume: $targVolume } );
* Mutes the volume for all sounds in the sound dictionary.
* @return void
public function muteAllSounds():void
for (var i:int = 0; i <this._sounds.length; i++)
var id:String = this._sounds[i].name;
this.setSoundVolume(id, 0);
* Resets the volume to their original setting for all sounds in the sound dictionary.
* @return void
public function unmuteAllSounds():void
for (var i:int = 0; i <this._sounds.length; i++)
var id:String = this._sounds[i].name;
var snd:Object = this._soundsDict[id];
var curTransform:SoundTransform = snd.channel.soundTransform;
curTransform.volume = snd.volume;
snd.channel.soundTransform = curTransform;
* Sets the volume of the specified sound.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound
* @param $volume The volume, between 0 and 1, to set the sound to
* @return void
public function setSoundVolume($name:String, $volume:Number):void
var snd:Object = this._soundsDict[$name];
var curTransform:SoundTransform = snd.channel.soundTransform;
curTransform.volume = $volume;
snd.channel.soundTransform = curTransform;
* Gets the volume of the specified sound.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound
* @return Number The current volume of the sound
public function getSoundVolume($name:String):Number
return this._soundsDict[$name].channel.soundTransform.volume;
* Gets the position of the specified sound.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound
* @return Number The current position of the sound, in milliseconds
public function getSoundPosition($name:String):Number
return this._soundsDict[$name].channel.position;
* Gets the duration of the specified sound.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound
* @return Number The length of the sound, in milliseconds
public function getSoundDuration($name:String):Number
return this._soundsDict[$name].sound.length;
* Gets the sound object of the specified sound.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound
* @return Sound The sound object
public function getSoundObject($name:String):Sound
return this._soundsDict[$name].sound;
* Identifies if the sound is paused or not.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound
* @return Boolean The boolean value of paused or not paused
public function isSoundPaused($name:String):Boolean
return this._soundsDict[$name].paused;
* Identifies if the sound was paused or stopped by calling the stopAllSounds() or pauseAllSounds() methods.
* @param $name The string identifier of the sound
* @return Number The boolean value of pausedByAll or not pausedByAll
public function isSoundPausedByAll($name:String):Boolean
return this._soundsDict[$name].pausedByAll;
//- EVENT HANDLERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//- GETTERS & SETTERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function get sounds():Array
return this._sounds;
//- HELPERS -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public function toString():String
return getQualifiedClassName(this);
//- END CLASS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------