在我的管道中,我得到了“在SonarQube上进行分析的准备”,并且在其他属性中正确配置了项目密钥,我在其中放置了“ sonar.cs.vscoveragexml.reportsPaths = ** / *。coveragexml”,但没有任何变化,我也尝试了不这样做。
另一个步骤是“ VsTest-testAssemblies”,在其中选择了我的单元测试并选择了“代码覆盖率启用”框,另外两个步骤是“运行代码分析”和“发布质量门结果”,这两个步骤就像默认步骤一样,我尝试增加超时,但没有改变。
“ VsTest-testAssemblies”中的输出日志为
Results File: X:\VSTSWork\52\s\TestResults\PRO_2019-05-09_20_07_48.trx
X:\VSTSWork\52\s\TestResults\cdb1f30e-3958-4155-81e4-caa54693dfe9\PRO 2019-05-09 20_06_39.coverage
Total tests: 25. Passed: 25. Failed: 0. Skipped: 0.
Test Run Successful.
20:08:05.303 Fetching code coverage report information from TFS...
20:08:05.308 Attempting to locate a test results (.trx) file...
20:08:05.364 Looking for TRX files in: X:\VSTSWork\52\TestResults, X:\VSTSWork\52\s\TestResults
20:08:05.366 The following test results files were found: X:\VSTSWork\52\s\TestResults\PRO_2019-05-09_20_07_48.trx
20:08:05.433 The following code coverage attachments were found from the trx files: X:\VSTSWork\52\s\TestResults\PRO_2019-05-09_20_07_48\In\PRO\PRO 2019-05-09 20_06_39.coverage
WARNING: File 'C:\Users\pro\.nuget\packages\runtime.win-x64.microsoft.netcore.dotnethostpolicy\2.1.0\runtimes\win-x64\native\hostpolicy.dll' is not located under the root directory 'X:\VSTSWork\52\s' and will not be analyzed.
WARNING: File 'C:\Users\pro\.nuget\packages\runtime.win-x64.microsoft.netcore.dotnethostresolver\2.1.0\runtimes\win-x64\native\hostfxr.dll' is not located under the root directory 'X:\VSTSWork\52\s' and will not be analyzed.
WARNING: File 'C:\Users\pro\.nuget\packages\xunit.runner.visualstudio\2.3.1\build\netcoreapp1.0\xunit.runner.visualstudio.dotnetcore.testadapter.dll' is not located under the root directory 'X:\VSTSWork\52\s' and will not be analyzed.
WARNING: File 'C:\Users\pro\.nuget\packages\xunit.runner.visualstudio\2.3.1\build\netcoreapp1.0\xunit.runner.reporters.netcoreapp10.dll' is not located under the root directory 'X:\VSTSWork\52\s' and will not be analyzed.
WARNING: File 'C:\Users\pro\.nuget\packages\xunit.runner.visualstudio\2.3.1\build\netcoreapp1.0\xunit.runner.utility.netcoreapp10.dll' is not located under the root directory 'X:\VSTSWork\52\s' and will not be analyzed.
Calling the SonarQube Scanner...
INFO: Sensor C# Tests Coverage Report Import [csharp]
INFO: Parsing the Visual Studio coverage XML report X:\VSTSWork\52\.\s\TestResults\PRO_2019-05-09_20_07_48\In\PRO\PRO 2019-05-09 20_06_39.coveragexml
INFO: Adding this code coverage report to the cache for later reuse: X:\VSTSWork\52\.\s\TestResults\PRO_2019-05-09_20_07_48\In\PRO\PRO 2019-05-09 20_06_39.coveragexml
WARN: The Code Coverage report doesn't contain any coverage data for the included files. For troubleshooting hints, please refer to https://docs.sonarqube.org/x/CoBh
INFO: Sensor C# Tests Coverage Report Import [csharp] (done) | time=3701ms
INFO: Sensor C# Unit Test Results Import [csharp]
INFO: Parsing the Visual Studio Test Results file X:\VSTSWork\52\s\TestResults\PRO_2019-05-09_20_07_48.trx
INFO: Sensor C# Unit Test Results Import [csharp] (done) | time=64ms
INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor
INFO: Sensor Zero Coverage Sensor (done) | time=363ms
INFO: Sensor CPD Block Indexer
INFO: Sensor CPD Block Indexer (done) | time=0ms
INFO: 49 files had no CPD blocks
INFO: Calculating CPD for 128 files
INFO: CPD calculation finished
INFO: Analysis report generated in 7191ms, dir size=810 KB
INFO: Analysis reports compressed in 1207ms, zip size=501 KB
INFO: Analysis report uploaded in 89ms
中添加此属性。我在Publish test coverage of multiple .NET Core Projects from Azure DevOps to SonarQube server中找到了这个