
struct Visitor
    template <typename T>
    void operator()(T t)

    void operator()(bool b)

显然, operator()(bool b) 旨在作为前面的模板功能的特殊化。

但是,它没有我以前经常看到的 template<> 语法,因此将其声明为模板专用化。但是它确实可以编译。




class Visitor
public: // corrected as pointed by stefanB, thanks
   template <typename T>
   void operator()( T data ) {
      std::cout << "generic template" << std::endl;
   void operator()( bool data ) {
      std::cout << "regular member function" << std::endl;
template <> // Corrected: specialization is a new definition, not a declaration, thanks again stefanB
void Visitor::operator()( int data ) {
   std::cout << "specialization" << std::endl;
int main()
   Visitor v;
   v( 5 ); // specialization
   v( true ); // regular member function
   v.operator()<bool>( true ); // generic template even if there is a non-templated overload
   // operator() must be specified there (signature of the method) for the compiler to
   //    detect what part is a template. You cannot use <> right after a variable name

template <typename T>
T g() {
   return T();
template <>
int g() {
   return 0;
int g() {
   return 1;
int main()
   g<double>(); // return 0.0
   g<int>(); // return 0
   g(); // return 1 -- non-templated functions take precedence over templated ones

关于c++ - 模板特化是否需要template <>语法?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/937107/

10-11 23:00