


这个问题与C++ / OpenCV有关。








从加密最佳实践和密钥管理的 Angular 来看,已建立代码库(如“OpenSSH”)中的非对称密钥方法可能是一个更好的决定(但这与我现在正在练习的编程实践是不同的)。例如:我考虑过通过SSH隧道传送libav / ffmpeg流。或VPN中的各种其他选项,以及查看OpenSSL。



如果我不得不猜测:我会说最大强度像素会在xor无法产生理想效果的地方产生偏差? 我不确定是否可以使用颜色深度或对垫型图像进行操作来获得所需的结果(不切实际的键管理,但作为安全的prng-是图像混淆)。





#include <cv.hpp> //necessary because this code uses the OpenCV library
#include "/usr/local/include/opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp" //necessary because this code uses the OpenCV library

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// /* for the purpose of exiting via keyboard input////////////////////////////////////////////////
bool loop = true;
Size size(320,240);//the dst image size,e.g.100x100
// /* for the purpose of exiting via keyboard input////////////////////////////////////////////////

// /* storage(memory allocation) for images and data///////////////////////////////////////////////
Mat image, random;
// */ storage for images and data//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// /* declaration of char to hold input from the keyboard buffer///////////////////////////////////
char KeyStroke;
// */ declaration of char to hold input from the keyboard buffer///////////////////////////////////

//prepare image source/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
VideoCapture cap;//assigning camera and proportions
cap.open(0);//starting webcam feed
//prepare image source/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

/* video input specific////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//cap.set(3, 320);
//cap.set(4, 240);
*/// video input specific//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

namedWindow("original",1);//creating window for unmodified image
namedWindow("random",1);//creating window for "random noise"
namedWindow("xor",1);//creating window for obfuscated output
namedWindow("unxor",1);//creating window for deobfuscated image

while(loop == true)


// /* //read "image" from webcam or video//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// */ //read "image" from webcam or video//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// /* //generate Mat full of random noise//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        random = Mat(240, 320, CV_8UC3);
        randu(random, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(255));
// */ //generate Mat full of random noise//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// /* //resize image///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
resize(image,image,size);//resize image
// */ //resize image///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// /* //recycled code//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
KeyStroke = cvWaitKey(100); //get keyboard input

        if(KeyStroke==' '){
// */ //recycled code//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// /* //placeholder creation///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Mat imageT, randomT, image2; //placeholders to preserve "image" and "random" in their original conditions for comparison
vector<Mat> channels; //bitwise_xor placeholder for "imageT"
vector<Mat> channels2; //bitwise_xor placeholder for "randomT"
vector<Mat> channels3; //bitwise_xor placeholder for "image2"
// */ //placeholder creation///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

// /* //prepare the input Mat(s) for bitwise_xor processing////////////////////////////////////////
cvtColor(image, imageT, CV_BGR2HSV);//cvtColor conversion of "image"(type: Mat) to HSV colorspace "imageT"(type: Mat)
cvtColor(random, randomT, CV_BGR2HSV);//cvtColor conversion of "random"(type: Mat) to HSV colorspace "randomT"(type: Mat)
cvtColor(image, image2, CV_BGR2HSV);//cvtColor conversion of "image"(type: Mat) to HSV colorspace "image2"(type: Mat)
// */ //prepare the input Mat(s) for bitwise_xor processing////////////////////////////////////////

// /* //prepare the necessary vector<mat> for adding the "random noise" to the output//////////////
split(imageT, channels);
Mat HueI(channels[0]); //Create "Hue" channel
Mat SatI(channels[1]); //Create "Sat" channel
Mat VeeI(channels[2]); //Create "Vee" channel
// */ //prepare the necessary vector<mat> for adding the "random noise" to the output//////////////

// /* //prepare the necessary vector<mat> for adding the "random noise" to the output//////////////
split(randomT, channels2);
Mat HueR(channels2[0]); //Create "Hue" channel
Mat SatR(channels2[1]); //Create "Sat" channel
Mat VeeR(channels2[2]); //Create "Vee" channel
// */ //prepare the necessary vector<mat> for adding the "random noise" to the output//////////////

// /* //prepare the necessary vector<mat> for holding the output from xor//////////////////////////
split(image2, channels3);
Mat Hue2(channels3[0]); //Create "Hue" channel
Mat Sat2(channels3[1]); //Create "Sat" channel
Mat Vee2(channels3[2]); //Create "Vee" channel
// */ //prepare the necessary vector<mat> for holding the output from xor//////////////////////////

// /* //xor "random noise" with the input mat to obfuscate the image from its original appearance//
bitwise_xor(HueI, HueR, Hue2);//xor "HueI"(type: Mat) from "channels[0]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "imageT" split() output] with "HueR"(type: Mat)<-from "channels2[0]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "randomT" split() output]
bitwise_xor(SatI, SatR, Sat2);//xor "SatI"(type: Mat) from "channels[0]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "imageT" split() output] with "SatR"(type: Mat)<-from "channels2[1]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "randomT" split() output]
bitwise_xor(VeeI, VeeR, Vee2);//xor "VeeI"(type: Mat) from "channels[0]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "imageT" split() output] with "VeeR"(type: Mat)<-from "channels2[2]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "randomT" split() output]
// */ //xor "random noise" with the input mat to obfuscate the image from its original appearance//

// /* //show the obfuscated output in window "xor"/////////////////////////////////////////////////
merge(channels3, image2);
cvtColor(image2, image2, CV_HSV2BGR);//GPU namespace cvtColor conversion of "oclImage"(type: Mat) to HSV colorspace "oclSrc_hsv"(type: Mat)
imshow("xor",image2);//show the obfuscated output in window "xor"
// */ //show the obfuscated output in window "xor"/////////////////////////////////////////////////

// /* //prepare the obfuscated output for removal of the "random noise"////////////////////////////
cvtColor(image2, image2, CV_BGR2HSV);//cvtColor conversion of "image2"(type: Mat) to HSV colorspace "image2"(type: Mat)
// */ //prepare the obfuscated output for removal of the "random noise"////////////////////////////

// /* //prepare the necessary vector<mat> for removing the "random noise" from the output//////////
split(image2, channels3);

Mat Hue3(channels3[0]); //Create "Hue" channel
Mat Sat3(channels3[1]); //Create "Sat" channel
Mat Vee3(channels3[2]); //Create "Vee" channel
// */ //prepare the necessary vector<mat> for removing the "random noise" from the output//////////

// /* //xor same "random noise" with the output mat to return the image to its original appearance/
bitwise_xor(Hue3, HueR, Hue3);//xor "Hue3"(type: Mat) from "channels3[0]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "image2" split() output] with "HueR"(type: Mat)<-from "channels2[0]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "randomT" split() output]

bitwise_xor(Sat3, SatR, Sat3);//xor "Sat3"(type: Mat) from "channels3[1]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "image2" split() output] with "SatR"(type: Mat)<-from "channels2[1]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "randomT" split() output]

bitwise_xor(Vee3, VeeR, Vee3);//xor "Vee3"(type: Mat) from "channels3[2]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "image2" split() output] with "VeeR"(type: Mat)<-from "channels2[1]"(type: vector<Mat>)<-[composed of "randomT" split() output]
// /* //xor same "random noise" with the output mat to return the image to its original appearance/

// /* //show the deobfuscated output in window "unxor"/////////////////////////////////////////////
merge(channels3, image2); //recombine the 3x HSV Channels of "channel3"(type: vector<Mat>) into "image2"(type: Mat)
cvtColor(image2, image2, CV_HSV2BGR);//cvtColor conversion of "image2"(type: Mat) to BGR colorspace "image2"(type: Mat)
imshow("unxor",image2);//normal window show webcam or video
// */ //show the deobfuscated output in window "unxor"/////////////////////////////////////////////

// /* //show the original input in window "original" and "random noise" in window "random"/////////
cvtColor(imageT, image, CV_HSV2BGR);//cvtColor conversion of "randomT"(type: Mat) to BGR colorspace "random"(type: Mat)
cvtColor(randomT, random, CV_HSV2BGR);//cvtColor conversion of "randomT"(type: Mat) to BGR colorspace "random"(type: Mat)
imshow("original",image);//normal window show webcam or video
imshow("random",random);//normal window show webcam or video
// /* //show the original input in window "original" and "random noise" in window "random"/////////

// /* //recycled code//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
catch (Exception& e)//error checking
    const char* err_msg = e.what();
    std::cout << "exception caught: imshow:\n" << err_msg << std::endl;

char key = waitKey(33) & 0xFF;//checking for key press
if (key == 'q')//press q to quit
                loop = false;
// */ //recycled code///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
return 0;




#include <cv.hpp>
#include "/usr/local/include/opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"

using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

bool loop = true;
Size size(320,240);

Mat image, image0, random;

char KeyStroke;

VideoCapture cap;


while(loop == true)


random = Mat(240,320, CV_8UC3); //source: http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.html
randu(random, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(255)); //source: http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.html

KeyStroke = cvWaitKey(100);

if(KeyStroke==' ')

vector<Mat> channels0;
vector<Mat> channels1;
vector<Mat> channels2;
vector<Mat> channels3;

Mat imageT, imageD;
imageT = Mat::zeros(240,320, CV_8UC3);
imageD = Mat::zeros(240,320, CV_8UC3);

image = image0;

split(image, channels0);
Mat BlueI(channels0[0]);
Mat GreenI(channels0[1]);
Mat RedI(channels0[2]);

split(random, channels1);
Mat BlueR(channels1[0]);
Mat GreenR(channels1[1]);
Mat RedR(channels1[2]);

split(imageT, channels2);
Mat Blue2(channels2[0]);
Mat Green2(channels2[1]);
Mat Red2(channels2[2]);

split(imageD, channels3);
Mat Blue3(channels3[0]);
Mat Green3(channels3[1]);
Mat Red3(channels3[2]);

bitwise_xor(BlueI, BlueR, Blue2);
bitwise_xor(GreenI, GreenR, Green2);
bitwise_xor(RedI, RedR, Red2);
merge(channels2, imageT);

bitwise_xor(Blue2, BlueR, Blue3);
bitwise_xor(Green2, GreenR, Green3);
bitwise_xor(Red2, RedR, Red3);
merge(channels3, imageD);

merge(channels2, imageT);
merge(channels1, random);
merge(channels0, image);

resize(imageT,imageT,size, CV_INTER_NN);
resize(imageD,imageD,size, CV_INTER_NN);

catch (Exception& e)
    const char* err_msg = e.what();
    std::cout << "exception caught: imshow:\n" << err_msg << std::endl;

char key = waitKey(33) & 0xFF;
if (key == 'q')
                loop = false;
return 0;

我认为是导致问题的HSV颜色空间。一旦我切换回使用BGR,一切都会开始正常工作。当我对随机噪声垫进行可视化时,我意识到有些麻烦,并且注意到3个通道中的2个的行为不符合预期。 http://docs.opencv.org/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/histogram_calculation/histogram_calculation.html

07-24 09:44