var db = { // Example object in my database
apple: {currentPrice: 1.44, graphX: [1.42, 1.41, 1.44], graphY: [1534175049283, 1534175019374, 1534175082191], blackList = [1.44, 1.41]}
function newPrice(name, price){
if(db[name].currentPrice != price){ // Check if the price changed at all
if(db[name].blackList.indexOf(.price) == -1){ // Check if the price has been seen within the last 2 changes, if not, treat it as a new price
db[name].graphX.push(price); // Add price...
db[name].graphY.push(Date.now()); // ...and timestamp to X and Y arrays for a plotly graph to read when requested
db[name].currentPrice = price; // Update the current price (for easier access)
db[name].blackList[1] = db[name].blackList[0]; // Move the blacklist array by one up, delete the oldest one
db[name].blackList[0] = price; // set the new price to [0] on the blacklist
console.log("New graph point created!")
} else { // If it's one of the recent prices, dont add a new graph point, just update the old one
db[name].currentPrice = price; // Update the current price (for easier access)
db[name].graphX[db[name].graphX.length - 1] = price; // update the last array segment (price)
db[name].graphY[db[name].graphY.length - 1] = Date.now(); // update the last array segment (time)
console.log("Jittering price, updated last graph point!");
newPrice("apple", 1.41) // Gets called by a websocket every ~30 seconds, providing a name and a price
参见:Running a node.js script every 10 seconds
关于javascript - 确定某个值是在两个价格之间跳跃还是在实际变化,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51826539/