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<h2 class="mdl-card__title-text">The Article Title</h2>
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This is some of the article1.<br />
This is some of the article2.<br />
This is some of the article3.<br />
This is some of the article4.<br />
This is some of the article5.<br />
This is some of the article6.<br />
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<h2 class="mdl-card__title-text">The Article Title</h2>
<div class="mdl-card__supporting-text">
This is some of the article1.<br />
This is some of the article2.<br />
This is some of the article3.<br />
This is some of the article4.<br />
This is some of the article5.<br />
This is some of the article6.<br />
This is some of the article1.<br />
This is some of the article2.<br />
This is some of the article3.<br />
This is some of the article4.<br />
This is some of the article5.<br />
This is some of the article6.<br />
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