playerScores = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int> > ();
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class MyMatchData : MonoBehaviour
Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int> > playerScores;
int changeCounter = 0;
public GameObject scoreBoard;
Canvas scoreBoardCan;
public float myTeamID = 0f;
string playerNameKey = "blank";
float myDeaths = 0f;
float myKills = 0f;
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
scoreBoardCan = scoreBoard.transform.parent.GetComponent<Canvas> ();
myDeaths = 0f;
myKills = 0f;
void Init ()
//init is just to make shure that we know playerscores is set b4 some one trys to use it
//(when ever some one calls the playerscores first they will call Init())
if (playerScores != null) {
}//If the player scores has been set then return out so we dont erase the scores
playerScores = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, int> > (); //must tell it that theres a new dictionery else u will get null error
//playerScores [playerNameKey] = new Dictionary<string, int> (); // agane must tell it theres a new dictionery because this is the sub dictionery
//a new sub dictionerey must be created for evey player. setScore() will create a new sjub dictionerey for a player if one dose not yet exsist.
void Update ()
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Tab)) {
changeCounter ++;
//scoreBoard.SetActive ( !scoreBoard.activeSelf);
bool scoreBoardCanIsActive = scoreBoardCan.enabled;
scoreBoardCan.enabled = !scoreBoardCanIsActive;
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.P)) {
ChangeScore ("sky", "kills", 1);
public void playerDied (bool wasBot, bool wasKilledBySomeone, string killedBy, string playerName, int playerTeam)
if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) {
if (wasBot) {
Health hlscBot = GameObject.Find (playerName).GetComponent<Health> ();
hlscBot.GetComponent<PhotonView> ().RPC ("DeSpawn", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, "bot", playerName, playerName, playerTeam);
} else {
//player respawn stuff here
Debug.Log ("Host MyMatchData " + playerName);
Health hlsc = GameObject.Find (playerName).GetComponent<Health> ();
hlsc.GetComponent<PhotonView> ().RPC ("DeSpawn", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, "player", playerName, "null", -1);
//do Score dumping stuff here
if (wasKilledBySomeone == true) {
ChangeScore (playerName, "deaths", 1);//increase the players deaths
ChangeScore (killedBy, "kills", 1);//increase the killers score
} else {
ChangeScore (playerName, "deaths", 1);//increase the players deaths
public void firstSpawn (string userName, int teamID)
if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) {
SetScore (userName, "kills", 0);
SetScore (userName, "deaths", 0);
SetScore (userName, "assists", 0);
SetScore (userName, "teamID", teamID);
public int GetScore (string username, string scoreType)
Init ();
if (playerScores.ContainsKey (username) == false) { //this just meens if the player name receaved has not reconised then it must not of been set yet
return 0;// return the player score as 0
if (playerScores [username].ContainsKey (scoreType) == false) {// at this stage we know the player name is recorded in the dictionery but we need to check if there score has been recorded yet. if not then return 0
return 0;// return the player score as 0
return playerScores [username] [scoreType];
public void SetScore (string username, string scoreType, int value)
Init ();
changeCounter ++;
if (playerScores.ContainsKey (username) == false) {//if the player has not been recorded in the dictionery yet.
playerScores [username] = new Dictionary<string, int> ();// Creates a new dictinerey(sub dictionery) for that player.
playerScores [username] [scoreType] = value; // the players score is now the value of value
public void ChangeScore (string username, string scoreType, int amount)
Init ();
int currScore = GetScore (username, scoreType);
SetScore (username, scoreType, currScore + amount);
public string[] GetPlayerNames ()
Init ();
return playerScores.Keys.ToArray ();
public string[] GetPlayerNames (string sortingScoreType)
Init ();
string[] names = playerScores.Keys.ToArray (); //have to convert to array because keys dont retun a array but a list of string of keys or somthing
return names.OrderByDescending (n => GetScore (n, sortingScoreType)).ToArray (); //this needs to beconverted toArray because of the same issue above
// ok so the names in this array (names) gets sorted by running the getscore function to find out who has what score. its complacated but works
//for that to work you need using System.Linq
public int GetChangeCounter ()
return changeCounter;
float myDeaths = 0f;
float myKills = 0f;
internal class Game
public List<Team> Teams { get; set; }
public void firstSpawn(string userName, int teamID)
if (!PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
Team team;
if (Teams.Any(t => t.TeamID == teamID))
team = Teams.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TeamID == teamID);
team = new Team(teamID);
team.Users.Add(new User(userName));
public void playerDied(bool wasBot, bool wasKilledBySomeone, User killer, User dead, Team playerTeam)
if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
if (wasBot)
Health hlscBot = GameObject.Find(dead.Name).GetComponent<Health>();
hlscBot.GetComponent<PhotonView>().RPC("DeSpawn", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, "bot", dead.Name, dead.Name, playerTeam);
//player respawn stuff here
Debug.Log("Host MyMatchData " + dead.Name);
Health hlsc = GameObject.Find(playerName).GetComponent<Health>();
hlsc.GetComponent<PhotonView>().RPC("DeSpawn", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, "player", dead.Name, "null", -1);
//do Score dumping stuff here
dead.Death(); // The dead is dead, no matter if suicide or not
if (wasKilledBySomeone)
killer.Kill();//increase the killers score
public bool getTheHigherTeamBy(Types type)
return Teams.Any(team => team.getTeamScore(type) == Teams.Max(t => t.getTeamScore(type)));
internal class Team
public int TeamID { get; set; }
public List<User> Users { get; set; }
public Team(int id = 0)
TeamID = id;
public int getTeamScore(Types type)
return Users.Sum(u => u.Score.getScoreFromType(type));
public string[] getPlayerNames()
return Users.Select(u => u.Name).ToArray();
public string[] GetPlayerNames(Types sortingScoreType)
return Users.OrderByDescending(u => u.Score.getScoreFromType(sortingScoreType)).Select(u => u.Name).ToArray();
public enum Types
Assist // Not sure about that one
internal class Score
private readonly Dictionary<Types, int> points = new Dictionary<Types, int>();
public Score()
// Fill the dictionnary with all the available types
foreach (Types type in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Types)))
points.Add(type, 0);
public int getScoreFromType(Types type)
return points[type];
public void incrementScoreForType(Types type, int amount = 1)
points[type] += amount;
internal class User
public string Name { get; set; }
public Score Score { get; set; }
public User(string name = "Default")
Name = name;
Score = new Score();
public int getScoreFromType(Types type)
return Score.getScoreFromType(type);
public void changeScore(Types type, int amount)
Score.incrementScoreForType(type, amount);
public void Death()
public void Kill()
public void Assist()
的球员?关于c# - Unity,C#,字典,计算比赛中球队的得分,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31044078/