public class Point {
private double x;
private double y;
static private final double RADTODEG = 180.0d / Math.PI ;
static private final double DEGTORAD = Math.PI / 180.0d;
* Rotates the point by a specific number of radians about a specific origin point.
* @param origin The origin point about which to rotate the point
* @param degrees The number of radians to rotate the point
public void rotateByRadians(Point origin, double radians) {
double cosVal = Math.cos(radians);
double sinVal = Math.sin(radians);
double ox = x - origin.x;
double oy = y - origin.y;
x = origin.x + ox * cosVal - oy * sinVal;
y = origin.y + ox * sinVal + oy * cosVal;
* Rotates the point by a specific number of degrees about a specific origin point.
* @param origin The origin point about which to rotate the point
* @param degrees The number of degrees to rotate the point
public void rotateByDegrees(Point origin, double degrees) {
rotateByRadians(origin, degrees * DEGTORAD);
* Rotates the point by the specified number of radians about the axis' origin (0,0). To rotate about a specific origin point, see rotateByRadians(Point, double)
* @param radians Measure of radians to rotate the point
public void rotateByRadians(double radians) {
if(isEmpty()) // Since we're rotating about 0,0, if the point is 0,0, don't do anything
double cosVal = Math.cos(radians);
double sinVal = Math.sin(radians);
double newx = x * cosVal - y * sinVal;
double newy = x * sinVal + y * cosVal;
x = newx;
y = newy;
* Rotates the point by the specified number of degrees about to the axis' origin (0,0). To rotate about a specific origin point, see rotateByDegrees(Point, double)
* @param degrees Measure of degrees to rotate the point
public void rotateByDegrees(double degrees) {
rotateByRadians(degrees * DEGTORAD);
Point p = new Point(0.0d, 200.0d);
shapelib.Point Object {x: -2.4492935982947064E-14 y: -200.0}
浮点运算不是完全准确的。在大多数情况下,10 ^ -14幂的误差就足够了。