在 perlform 格式化是通过“格式”功能完成的
format Something =
Test: @<<<<<<<< @||||| @>>>>>
$str, $%, '$' . int($num)
$str = "widget";
$num = $cost/$quantity;
$~ = 'Something';
perlform 的变化允许文本被干净地包装,对于帮助屏幕、日志报告等很有用。
有 python 等价物吗?或者我可以使用 Python 的新字符串 format 函数编写的合理黑客?
Foobar-Title Blob
0123 This is some long text which would wrap
past the 80 column mark and go onto the
next line number of times blah blah blah.
hi there dito
something more text here. more text here. more text
Python 中没有像这样的自动格式化。 (.format
函数语法是从 C# 借来的。)毕竟,Perl 是“实用提取和报告语言”,而 Python 不是为格式化报告而设计的。
您的输出可以使用 textwrap
from textwrap import fill
def formatItem(left, right):
wrapped = fill(right, width=41, subsequent_indent=' '*15)
return ' {0:<13}{1}'.format(left, wrapped)
>>> print(formatItem('0123', 'This is some long text which would wrap past the 80 column mark and go onto the next line number of times blah blah blah.'))
0123 This is some long text which would wrap
past the 80 column mark
and go onto the next line
number of times blah blah
请注意,这假设“左”不跨越 1 行。更通用的解决方案是
from textwrap import wrap
from itertools import zip_longest
def twoColumn(left, right, leftWidth=13, rightWidth=41, indent=2, separation=2):
lefts = wrap(left, width=leftWidth)
rights = wrap(right, width=rightWidth)
results = []
for l, r in zip_longest(lefts, rights, fillvalue=''):
results.append('{0:{1}}{2:{5}}{0:{3}}{4}'.format('', indent, l, separation, r, leftWidth))
return "\n".join(results)
>>> print(twoColumn("I'm trying to format some strings for output on the command-line", "report style, and am looking for the easiest method to format a string such that I can get automatic paragraph formatting."))
I'm trying to report style, and am looking for the
format some easiest method to format a string such
strings for that I can get automatic paragraph
output on the formatting.
关于段落的 Python 字符串格式化程序,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3096402/